Mandarin Flashcards


好 - hǎo (hao3)


good; well

你好嗎?/你好吗?  ―  Nǐ hǎo ma?  ―  How are you?
你好嗎?/你好吗? [Cantonese]  ―  nei5 hou2 maa3? [Jyutping]  ―  How are you?
真是個好主意!/真是个好主意!  ―  Zhēn shì ge hǎo zhǔyì!  ―  That's a good idea!

Used as an interjection.

good; very well; nice
OK; alright

    好,明天見。/好,明天见。  ―  Hǎo, míngtiān jiàn.  ―  OK, see you tomorrow.

    好,我們今天就到這裡。 [MSC, trad.]
    好,我们今天就到这里。 [MSC, simp.]
        Hǎo, wǒmen jīntiān jiù dào zhèli. [Pinyin]
        Alright, we will stop here today.


friendly; close; acquainted

好朋友  ―  hǎo péngyǒu  ―  good friend
他們對我很好。/他们对我很好。  ―  Tāmen duì wǒ hěn hǎo.  ―  They are very kind to me.

(specifically) to start dating; to become romantic partners

他倆好上了。/他俩好上了。  ―  Tā liǎ hǎo shàng le.  ―  They are in a relationship.

done; ready

我就要好了。  ―  Wǒ jiù yào hǎo le.  ―  I'll be ready very soon.

to be good to; easy to

這水龍頭好擰。/这水龙头好拧。  ―  Zhè shuǐlóngtóu hǎo nǐng.  ―  This tap turns easily.
這事兒不好辦。/这事儿不好办。  ―  Zhè shìr bù hǎo bàn.  ―  This matter is not easy to deal with.

(making it) convenient; easy for

把東西收拾乾淨,我好打掃房間。 [MSC, trad.]
把东西收拾干净,我好打扫房间。 [MSC, simp.]
    Bǎ dōngxī shōushí qiánjìng, wǒ hǎo dǎsǎo fángjiān. [Pinyin]
    Put stuff away so that I can clean the room.

他們用鏡子反射陽光,好讓救援飛機發現。 [MSC, trad.]
他们用镜子反射阳光,好让救援飞机发现。 [MSC, simp.]
    Tāmen yòng jìngzǐ fǎnshè yángguāng, hǎo ràng jiùyuán fēijī fāxiàn. [Pinyin]
    They used a mirror to reflect sunlight and help the search-and-rescue aircraft find them.

to recover from an illness

佢病咗幾個月都仲未好。 [Cantonese, trad.]
佢病咗几个月都仲未好。 [Cantonese, simp.]
    keoi5 beng6 zo2 gei2 go3 jyut6 dou1 zung6 mei6 hou2. [Jyutping]
    He's been sick for several months and still hasn't recovered.

好返 [Cantonese]  ―  hou2 faan1 [Jyutping]  ―  to get better; to recover; to heal

(somewhat dialectal) very; quite; rather; so

我好興奮啊!/我好兴奋啊!  ―  Wǒ hǎo xīngfèn a!  ―  I'm so excited!
好幾天/好几天  ―  hǎo jǐ tiān  ―  quite a few days

我個中文老師好好人㗎! [Guangzhou Cantonese, trad.]
我个中文老师好好人㗎! [Guangzhou Cantonese, simp.]
    ngo5 go3 zung1 man4-2 lou5 si1 hou2 hou2 jan4 gaa3! [Jyutping]
    My Chinese teacher is a very nice person!

我唔係好鍾意你噉做。 [Cantonese, trad.]
我唔系好钟意你噉做。 [Cantonese, simp.]
    ngo5 m4 hai6 hou2 zung1 ji3 nei5 gam2 zou6. [Jyutping]
    I don't really like you doing it that way.

潮州話好好學。潮州話好惡學。 [Teochew, trad.]
潮州话好好学。潮州话好恶学。 [Teochew, simp.]
    From: [1]
    diê5 ziu1 uê7 hoh4 ho2 oh8. diê5 ziu1 uê7 hoh4 oh4 oh8. [Peng'im]
    Teochew is very easy to learn. Teochew is very hard to learn.

a pleasure to (do something); good for (doing something)

好吃  ―  hǎochī  ―  delicious
好用  ―  hǎoyòng  ―  a joy to use
好聽/好听  ―  hǎotīng  ―  pleasant-sounding

呢把刀幾好使。 [Cantonese, trad.]
呢把刀几好使。 [Cantonese, simp.]
    ni1 baa2 dou1 gei2 hou2 sai2. [Jyutping]
    This knife is pretty good to use.

properly; carefully

記得帶好雨具!/记得带好雨具!  ―  Jìdé dài hǎo yǔjù!  ―  Remember to bring along rain gear! / Make sure your rain gear is on you!
聽好了!/听好了!  ―  Tīng hǎo le!  ―  Now listen carefully!
食好瞓好/食好𰥛好 [Cantonese]  ―  sik6 hou2 fan3 hou2 [Jyutping]  ―  eat well and sleep well
做好功課/做好功课 [Cantonese]  ―  zou6 hou2 gung1 fo3 [Jyutping]  ―  to do one's homework (as one should)

Particle used after verbs to denote the completion or near-completion of an action.

作業做好了嗎?/作业做好了吗?  ―  Zuòyè zuò hǎo le ma?  ―  Have you finished your homework?

Used after a noun or pronoun as a greeting.

你好  ―  nǐ hǎo  ―  hello
大家好  ―  dàjiā hǎo  ―  hello, everyone
老師好/老师好  ―  lǎoshī hǎo  ―  hello, teacher


問好/问好  ―  wènhǎo  ―  say hello

替我給你媽帶個好兒。 [MSC, trad.]
替我给你妈带个好儿。 [MSC, simp.]
    Tì wǒ gěi nǐ mā dài ge hǎor. [Pinyin]
    Say hi for me to your mom.

Particle denoting agreement, support or wish to terminate a conversation.
Particle denoting dissatisfaction in ironical sentences.
such; what

好一朵美麗的茉莉花。 [MSC, trad.]
好一朵美丽的茉莉花。 [MSC, simp.]
    From: 18ᵗʰ century ᴄᴇ, Molihua, a Jiangnan folk song
    Hǎo yī duǒ měilì de mòlìhuā. [Pinyin]
    What a beautiful jasmine.

(dialectal) can; should

我好進來嗎?/我好进来吗?  ―  Wǒ hǎo jìnlái ma?  ―  Can I come in?

十二點喇,好去瞓覺喇。 [Cantonese, trad.]
十二点喇,好去𰥛觉喇。 [Cantonese, simp.]
    sap6 ji6 dim2 laa3, hou2 heoi3 fan3 gaau3 laa3. [Jyutping]
    It's twelve now. You should go to bed.

噉都好拗? [Cantonese]  ―  gam2 dou1 hou2 aau3? [Jyutping]  ―  You are really arguing about this? (literally, “That can be argued?”)

勿認得路末倷勿好問訊個? [Suzhounese, trad.]
勿认得路末倷勿好问讯个? [Suzhounese, simp.]
    Could you not just ask if you don't know the way?

(Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang) how (to what degree)
(rail transport) cleared

How well did you know this?
Not at all
How well did you know this?
Not at all