Managment Of Depressive Mood Disorders Flashcards
What percent of the US population has had a lifetime prevalence of MDD episode?
17.1% (not sure this matters but whatever)
Diagnostic criteria for MDD:
Must have 5 of 9 symptoms to include either _______ ______ or _______ ______ ______, plus 4 more from SIGECAPS.
Depressed mood
Loss of interest/pleasure
Sleep (+/-) Interest (-) Guilt Energy (-) Concentration (-) Appetite (+/-) Psychomotor sx Suicidality
What two variations of SIGECAPS is present with atypical depression?
Excessive appetite
Excessive sleep
If a patient has 2-4 of the 9 symptoms listed above for at least 2 weeks, and one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest, this patient has?
Minor depression (major is 5/9)
Screening for depression in primary care. USPSTF recommends screening for depression in practices that can effectively manage such patients. They recommend a two question depression screen:
1) over the past 2 wks have you felt down or hopeless?
2) over the past 2 wks have you felt little interest in doing things?
A “yes” to either question is a positive indication for what?
What percent of patients with 1st depressive episode will have a 2nd?
A second episode of depression increases the risk to what percent of having a third?
Major depression with an emphasis on lack of pleasure or lack of reactivity to pleasure is what kind of depression?
For melancholic depression with lack of pleasure, you must have how many of the folowing 5: Depressed mood worst in the morning Early morning awakening Psychomotor agitation or retardation Significant weight loss Inappropriate guilt
3 or more
If MDD must be present for at least 2 weeks, how long must persistent depressive disorder PDD (dysthymia) be present for a diagnosis?
At least 2 years
What depression is listed below?
Depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated either by subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years?
PDD (persistent)
What disorder is when a patient has PDD and MDD?
Double depression
More substantial level of social impairment
To diagnose PDD, the patient must have never been without the symptoms in a 2 year period for more than how many months?
2 months
Factors to consider in selecting an antidepressant:
Those who received a preferred treatment experienced (more/less) rapid improvements than those who received a therapy not matching their prefernce?