Managing the Past Flashcards
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- global heritage protection
- publishes global data and scientific information to guide public policies
Heritage Threats
- intentional destruction (war)
- looters and the antiquities market
- everyday activities (farming)
- land development (roads, buildings, mines, forestry)
- climate change impacts
Importance of Heritage Protection
- what we inherit and what we leave behind
- focusses on values considered to be important
- sometimes (frequently?) heritage protection focusses on positive stories and fails to encourage people to examine their role in negative heritage
Who has responsibility to care for
- international groups
- national groups
- descendant groups
Tangible Heritage
clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, artifacts
Intangible Heritage
beliefs, traditions, language, songs, recipes
Ontario Heritage Act
- it is illegal to knowingly alter an archaeological site without a license
- fine: up to $1,000,000
- only one person has been fined
Protection of Ancestors and Sacred Items
Ontario: Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act
Ontario Heritage Act (Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism)
- protects a range of heritage
- states that it is illegal to knowingly disturb an archaeological site without a license
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) 1990
- US heritage legislation
- applies to federal and tribal lands
- applies to Indigenous ancestors and sacred items
- recognize that the ancestors and sacred items belong to descendants
- process and timeline for return
Cultural Resource Management (CRM)
a complex of laws, regulations, and professional practice designed to manage historic buildings and sites, cultural landscapes, and other cultural and historic places
- illegal excavation
- artifacts kept by excavators or sold
- no reporting
- no recording of contextual data
Antiquities Trade
- trade of artifacts is independent of conflicts BUT
- chaos of conflicts creates opportunities for looting
Antiquities Trade in Ontario
- NOT illegal to buy and sell artifacts
- IS illegal to dig them up without a license or to sell artifacts that have been excavated under license
- auction houses claim that the artifacts are from old collections
Plough Destruction
- disturbs stratigraphy
- breaks artifacts
- artifacts on the surface are a magnet for collectors
Indigenous Archaeological Monitors
- present on archaeological sites during assessments and excavations
- paid by the proponent
- represent the interests of their nation
- report to their nation
- ensure that work is to the standard of their nation
Archaeological Investigations Triggered by Legislation
- Planning Act
- Environmental Assessment Act
- Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act
- Aggregate Resources Act