Explanation in Archaeology Flashcards
Types of Explanations
- nature of the record
- events in the past
- patterns in the past
- classes of events
- long-term processes
Nature of the Record
why do we find accumulations of stone and bone on very ancient sites in eastern Africa?
Events in the Past
why did people living on the north shore of Lake Ontario move to the Lake Simcoe area in about AD 1300?
Patterns in the Past
why do mobile peoples tend to have circular houses while sedentary people have quadrilateral ones?
Classes of Events
why did people in a number of places in the world start to cultivate plants?
Long-term Processes
why do we see greater evidence of social inequality over time in a region?
Low Level Theory
- direct observation or experimentation
- concerned with variation in form, space, time
ex. pottery typology, ordering based on stratification
Middle Level Theory
- explain patterns in two or more sets of variables
- link archaeological data with behaviour using ethnoarchaeology and experimental archeology
ex. carbon steel was produced by raising temperatures in the furnace to high heats using pre-heating
High Level Theory
- about human behaviour
- shared through social science
ex. Marxism to explain the emergence of social ranking of some societies: who has power? how was power exercised? what were the modes, forces, and relations of production?
Culture-historical Arch
- goal is the organization of archaeological record
- framework uses migration diffusion for discussing change
Disadvantages of Culture-Historical Arch
- lack of explanation
- migration and diffusion agents of change not explanations of change
Culture-Historical Arch: Application
- why did people start to grow corn in Ontario at around A.D. 700?
- explanations: migration of new corn growing group or diffusion of idea of growing corn
Processual/New Archaeology
- objective science
- problem oriented
- seeks law-like generalizations
- hypothesis testing
- quantitative methods important
- explanations often functional
- Lewis Binford
Processual Arch Attempts to…
isolate & study processes at work in a society between societies
Processual Arch Emphasize…
subsistence, demography, relations with environment, social relations
Processual Archaeology: Application
- observed that many places in the world independently domesticated plants and animals
- proposed a theory of origin of agriculture for sedentism, population growth, domestication
Limitations of Processual Arch
- laws constraining
- some laws not very illuminating
- focus on economy to detriment of ideology
Post-processual Arch
- archaeology is interpretive
- history written from a specific viewpoint
- can’t understand any part without the whole
- science only one source of knowledge
- Ian Hodder
Post-processual Arch Continued
- artifacts are “meaningfully constituted”
- impossible to construct a single definitive, verifiable interpretation of the past
- urge, consideration of responsibilities, consideration of multiplicity of voices, how did past people construct their worlds?
Post-processual Arch: Application
- megalithic tombs in Orkney (cellular structure, long low entries)
- houses (cellular structure, long low entrances)
- “tombs signify houses”
Limitations of Post-processual Arch
difficult to evaluate explanations
ex. while a hypothesis can be refuted, how can we evaluate the meaning of a tomb?