Managing employee performance Flashcards
Evaluation process performed annually by a supervisor to help employees understand their roles, objectives, expectations and level of performance success
Creating work environment in which people can perform to the best of their abilities
- Top level managers: Manage system that facilitates implementation strategic priorities
- Supervisors: Create environment for optimal performance and assign projects to employees
- HR professionals: Help with promotions, bonuses
- Employees: How managers will evaluate performance, need to be told they are doing a good job as source of motivation, need to express opinion
- Legislators: Develop & apply laws to pay attention to how employee performance is managed
Purposes of PA for the Organization
Facilitate strategic plan Help attain objective Improve productivity Identify training and development needs Update competencies Give feed back Enhance work atmosphere
Purposes of PA for the Supervisor
Justify salary increases and staffing process
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Set objectives for next period
Give responsiblities
Purposes of PA for the Employee
Clarify expectations
Confirm employee’s strengths and weaknesses
Give opportunity to express
How to make PA work
Treat employees like strategic partners by
making them know about strategy, mastering business plan, emphasis importance of business plan, listen to employees, give them interesting project, make each person responsible for success, provide follow-up
Performance Management process
Define expectations
Support performance
Evaluate performance
Propose an action plan
Define expectations
Clear expectations Can use job description as reference to find what is needed Avoid deficiency and contamination SMART Set performance levels
Support employee performance
Evaluate PA
Rating Scale
MBO (Management by Objectives)
Evaluates aptitudes on a scale of 1-5
+ : uniformity and precision
- : have to modify for every job, cost time and resources, restricted
How frequently behaviour is exhibited (never to always)
+: complete description of criteria
- : depend on the manager, always need to be observed
Rating Scales
Grid with predefined criteria (behaviour, personality, competencies)
+ : easy to fill, short, simple, can compare
- : difficult to apply to every job, subjective
Goals to be reached until the next evaluation