Managers/Management Flashcards
What is VUCA ?
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (The dérive)

What is SCSC ?
Stability, Certainty, Simplicity, and Clarity.
The opposite of VUCA

What can the Organisational Functional position of a manager be?

What are the 4 management tasks ?
POLC, a dominant concept by Fayol; early 20th century:
- Planning,
- Organizing,
- Leading
- Controlling
The Four management tasks apply for :
Projects (Project Management)
ALL types of organisations (Organisational Management)
(for example Just Eat, Cass, one person consultancy…)
(for example CW3 & CW4 Team assignments for Business skills; big projects like London Crossrail)
As an individual manager you are required to :
- Apply practical skill
Business Skills;
Individual responsibility for consequences;
Change management (MPS part 2)
- Discharge Multiple Roles
- Use your time effectively in practice
- Lead implementation of the 4 management tasks
What are the dominant concepts/ definitions of management ?
- ‘Managers get things done with the aid of other people’ (Stewart, 1967)
- ‘Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner ‘ (Boddy 2013, ch 1).
How do managers plan tasks in corporations ?
Managers design and maintain formal planning systems - Many Formal Tools:
- Strategic analysis including SWOT, CSFs..
- lists of actions; program chart
- Forecasts; Timeline; scenario analysis
- Critical path networks
- Decision-making methods
What is planning?
The Planning process sets out where the organization wants to be in the future; what activities need doing when and how [Boddy Part 3]
What is organising ?
‘Creating the structure within which people work; achieving the direction chosen’.
The assignment of tasks, making things happen, Allocation of resources [Boddy Part 4 on Organising]
What are corporation’s organising methods ?
- Organizational structures such as business units, departments, functions
- Co-ordination of people & resources - HRM
- Meetings - Recording decisions and agreed actions;
- Communications networks
What are the common definitions of CEO and Leadership?
- ‘Leadership can move organiorganizationscurrent to future states, create visions of potential opportunity..’ (Bennis and Nanus , 2003)
- ‘..Managers developed practices to help keep a complex organisation on time and budget. That is a primary function. Leadership is very different. It does not produce consistency and produces movement’. .. ‘Leaders create change’(John Kottar ,1990 cited in Boddy )
- ‘Leadership is the activity of generating effort and Commitment.. With individuals or teams’ (Boddy 2013, ch 1, p21)
- ‘Leaders are responsible for ensuring that the important activities get done’ (Brown and Holtham, 2014)
- What defines the CEO role? His/her power to hire and fire people and allocate them to roles (Douglas Board, 2013)
- ‘Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing’ (Drucker)
What are the key tasks of the CEO ?
- Vision – where is the organisation going? (what are the significant trends driving change) (what is the key issue for this organisation)?
- Nurturing the company culture; appointing senior executives
- Ensuring that the mechanisms exist to get things done efficiently and responsibly (feedback mechanisms key)
What is controlling ?
‘From time to time a check is needed to see where you are in relation to the planned destination’ (Boddy Part 6) ‘Are you on track? If not what corrective action is needed to get back onto plan?’
What are the control formal tools for organisations?
- Accounts & budgets
- Performance measurement such as sales/sq metre; quality checks
Qu’est-ce que le Business Model Canvas ?
Le Business Model CANVAS est un outil pour dresser un état des lieux du modèle économique d’une entreprise. Pour un projet de création d’entreprise, il est parfaitement adapté puisque c’est le bon moment pour analyser le potentiel de votre modèle économique.
On peut aussi l’utiliser pour un projet de lancement d’un nouveau produit et/ou service dans votre organisation.
Quelles sont les 9 composantes du Business model CANVAS d’Alexander Osterwalder ?
- Proposition de valeur (Value proposition): Qu’est-ce que votre entreprise va apporter à vos clients ? A quel besoin et/ou problème votre entreprise/votre projet va répondre ?Quels sont vos points forts par rapport à la concurrence?
- Segmentation clients (Customers segments) : pour chaque produit et/ou votre service, quel sont le ou les segments de clientèle visés ?
- Canaux de distribution (Channels) : où votre produit/service sera-t-il vendu ?
- Relations client (Customer relationships): Comment allez-vous communiquer auprès de vos clients potentiels ou actuels ? Par de la publicité sur internet, par un blog, par des actions de présentations avant-vente chez vos clients
- Sources de revenus (Revenue streams) : les revenus peuvent être issus de ventes directes en « one shot », d’abonnements récurrents, par la location, par l’octroi d’une licence, frais de courtage, etc …
- Ressources clé (Key ressources) : Quelles sont les ressources humaines, financières et matérielles nécessaires au lancement de votre projet?
- Partenaires clés (Key partners) : Avez-vous besoin de prestataires externes pour promouvoir votre produit/service, pour compléter votre offre de service, etc … ?
- Activités principales (Key activities) : que fait-il mettre en place pour que votre modèle économique fonctionne? Quelles sont la ou les activités clé? Par exemple, la chaîne logistique, le développement logiciel …
- Structure des coûts (Cost structure) : quels sont les différents types de coûts pour votre projet ? Coûts fixes, coûts variables, économie d’échelle, …

Summary: What are the steps that managers and organisations need to ensure get done?
- The 4 tasks – POLC [theory developed from early 20th century and supported by management writers since then]
- Alex Osterwalder’s idea – Business Model Canvas
How do Senior Managers find the relevant information they need to deal with complex ‘wicked problems’? Team CW3
Disruption, noticing, MBWA, Physical landscape, handling uncertainty – application for the dérive
What is MBWA ?
Management By Wandering Around. (dérive)
Unstructured approach to hands-on, direct participation by the managers in the work-related affairs of their subordinates, in contrast to rigid and distant management. In MBWA practice, managers spend a significant amount of their time making informal visits to the work area and listening to the employees. The purpose of this exercise is to collect qualitative information, listen to suggestions and complaints, and keep a finger on the pulse of the organization. Also called management by wandering around.