Management of the natural environment and landscape Flashcards
Summarise the work you have done with shooting licences and wildlife management plans
On NT estates I have prepared shooting licences to control wildlife such as deer and grey squirrels where they are causing damage to the natural environment. To do this I reviewed the wildlife management plans to ensure the licences were in accordance with the approved plans. I checks the licensee’s firearm certificates and insurances before issuing the licences.
Summarise the work done for Hopesay Wet Flush
I was instructed to investigate the options of putting a water trough on the hill. The cattle that graze the hill drink from the wet flushes which are environmentally sensitive. As these are getting poached and damaged, I obtained quotes for a gravity-fed trough which would be fed from the least sensitive flush. I presented these quotes to my client, and assisted in the application for countryside stewardship capital grant.
Summarise the parkland plan review
Natural England required a review of the parkland plan to be carried out to support two of the NTs tenants who are applying for higher tier Countryside Stewardship scheme. I reviewed the recommendations within the parkland plan, identified the completed and outstanding actions, as well as the actions which were no longer appropriate. I produced a report detailing the original parkland plan, and the next steps for enhancing the registered parkland.
Summarise the parkland FBT
I used the review of the parkland plan to inform the management prescriptions for the FBT which allows cattle grazing on the parkland. The parkland is a priority habitat and registered parkland so the FBT needed to be highly prescriptive to ensure the tenant was managing the environment effectively. Prescriptions included restrictions on sward height, habitat requirements and visitor access.
Summarise the land at park cottage
The land at park cottage had been left unmanaged for a number of years. The estate manager required advice on how to bring it back into management, what work was required, and how best to manage it going forward. I inspected the site and advised that the orchard needs some new trees to replace some dead trees, and suggested the estate manager considers extending the orchard. Due to the number of mole hills and the orchard, I advised the land would best be managed under a grazing licence. This would also allow the estate manager to retain management control of the land.