Management of the Natural Environment and Landscape Flashcards
What might you need to consider if you have a designated site on your property?
Operations Requiring Consent (ORC)
What are some examples of Operations Requiring Consent?
- Changes to grazing
- Muirburn
- Construction of tracks or fences
- Use of herbicides
What are some examples of features designated under a SSSI?
- Native pinewoods
- Breeding bird assemblage
- Lichen assemblage
- Dragonflies
- Vascular plants
List examples of designated sites:
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
National Scenic Area (NSA)
Special Protection Area (SPA)
Special Area of Conservation
What legislation governs wildlife and designated sites?
Wildlife and Natural Environment Act 2011
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004
What does CAR (license) stand for?
Controlled Activities Regulations
What is the legislation governing activities in water bodies in Scotland?
The Water Framework Directive
The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) Regulations 2011
What are SEPA’s three levels of authorisation?
General Binding Rules
What is the purpose of Deer Management Groups?
For multiple landholdings to manage a discrete population of deer as a common resource
What is one carbon credit equivalent to?
1 tonne of Co2
What is a reasonable amount of carbon sequestration for a woodland creation project?
3t Co2/ ha / year
What is a reasonable amount of carbon to be sequestered from a peatland project, per hectare per year?
3 tonne
What is the Peatland Action contract period?
10 years
What types of peatland exist in Scotland?
Raised bogs, blanket bog, fens, big woodland
What are Peatland Action’s peatland restoration target by 2030?
250,000 hectares