Management of People Flashcards
Stages in recruitment
Advertise, application forms, curriculum vitae, long list and short list, interview, testing, selection and references.
Internal v external recruitment
– internal means that the job will only be open to people who already work for the organisation, external means the organisation is
seeking to employ someone new from outwith the business.
Stages in selection
once the interview process is complete, the successful candidate
must be chosen for the job. At this point in time, it is the duty of the HR department
to inform the successful candidate and offer them the job
Selection methods
the HR department will assess all applications against the criteria for the job, taking into account the essential and desirable criteria. Sometimes, where there are a lot of applications for a vacancy a long list will be drawn up.
Induction training -
this is specific training for new employees which helps the new employee settle in and learn about the organisation depending on the job/business this may be a few hours, a Day or several weeks, it also may include tours and introductions to different departments.
On the job training -
this is training provided on site in the work place which takes place in work time and also may involve external training and existing staff can train others.
Off the job training
this is training provided off site and away from the workplace, the
employees may attend a training centre and college.
non-financial methods - flexi time, working from home, company car
Health & Safety at Work Act -
in 1974 a piece of legislation that aims to raise the standard of health and safety for all people at work and also protect the public.
Equality act
covers a wide range of types of discrimination and brings lots of other pieces of legislation under one umbrella. age, race, disability, gender, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marriage, sex/gender.
National Minimum Wage Act -
this is an act which means for each age group there is a certain wage they must be paid per hour but there is no maximum.
Data Protection Act -
this is an act which protects PERSONAL information held by businesses. Businesses must obtain personal information lawfully, keep it up-to-date, be relevant and not excessive for the purpose and not be given out without permission.
What is recruitment
Recruitment is the process of identifying vacancies and attracting the right candidates to apply for a job vacancy in a business.
What are the stages of recruitment?
Identify a Job Vacancy
Conduct a Job Analysis
Prepare a Job Description
Prepare a Person Specification
Advertise the Job Vacancy
Issue Application Forms/Request CV’s
Describe identifying a job vacancy
The HR department will perform a review and consider where and if vacancies exist.
A job vacancy may arise as a result of;
An employee leaving the business, e.g. retires or resigns
An employee is on long term absence, e.g. maternity leave or sick leave
New position is available as a result of growth in the business
Temporary vacancy to cover busy period e.g. Christmas
Describe creating a job description
This document gives applicants information about the vacancy. The document will include;
Job title
Where the job is based
Tasks and duties
Contract – permanent or temporary
Working Hours
Holiday Entitlement
Describe conducting a job analysis
Performing a job analysis is a good opportunity to identify whether the job available will continue to be the same or if tasks and duties should be changed.
Information can be gathered from previous job holder, supervisors and colleagues.
The job analysis will outline;
Tasks, duties and skills required for the job
Areas of responsibility
Areas of accountability
Describe advertising the vacancy
The advertisement will include information from both the job description and person specification e.g. job title, salary, qualifications and experience needed
When choosing how to advertise the job the business will consider the budget available, position being advertised and the availability of staff within the business.
Describe creating a person specification
This document identifies the type of person what would be suitable for the job vacancy. It will include;
Skills e.g. communication and organisational skills
Qualities e.g. friendly
Qualifications e.g. Highers, Degree
Experience e.g. 6 months experience in a similar role
Some may be essential, whereas, others may only be desirable.
Describe Issuing Application Forms/Request CV’s
The business will compare the information provided in the application forms/CVs to the job description and person specification. Those who meet the criteria will be selected for interview.
Describe CV’s
A CV is prepared by a candidate to ‘sell’ themselves to a potential employer.
It should include personal details, work experience, qualifications and referees.
A CV is unique to each candidate, making it more difficult to compare candidates.
What are the advantages of internal recruitment?
Little induction is needed as the employee is already familiar with the business
Strengths and weaknesses of the employee are already known by the employer
It is a cost-effective form of recruitment e.g. low advertising costs
It can improve staff morale and motivation