management of hypetension 💊 Flashcards
sbp: >140
dbp: > 90
twice on 2 separate occasions
resistant hpt?
bp not controlled on 3 or more drugs
secondary causes of hpt?
thyroid, renal, vascular, OSA, cushings or steroid intake
screen for all these!!
target organ damage
heart- LVH, CHD, HF
brain- TIA, stroke
peripheral vasculature- absence of pulses in extremities +/- intermittent claudication, carotid bruit, AAA
kidney- CKD
retina- hemorrhages, exudates, papilloedema
investigations to order for hpt?
fbc, rft, rbg, lipid profile, ufeme, ecg
Non-Pharmacological Management
- Weight Reduction
- evidence showed a reduction of 1kg in weight relates to 1 mmHg reduction in SBP
- Sodium Intake:
- WHO recommends a reduction of sodium <2 g/day or salt <5 g/day (about one teaspoon of salt) in adults
- Alcohol Consumption:
- limit alcohol consumption to < 2 drinks per day.
- Regular Physical Activity
- Cumulative moderate intensity aerobic exercise of at least 150 minutes per week is advised
- Healthy Diet
- Smoking cessation
- Relaxation Therapy
- Increase Dietary potassium intake
- This can be achieved by eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.
pharmacological mx
acei and arb are generally safe to give
dont give b blocker in asthma pt
antihypertensives in pregnancy
labetalol is first line
if one antihpt not enough, what to do?
increase dose, change meds, add meds
what is severe hypertension
sbp: 180
dbp: 110
what is the difference between hypertensive urgency and emergency
urgency no acute end organ damage
emergency is new or progressive such as AHF, ACS, ARF, intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke
what antihypertensives to avoid during acute heart failure?
b blockers and ccb
how to investigate pheochromocytoma
urine metanephrines