Management - Lecture/seminar notes Flashcards
(From slides/readings)
Management of Change Defined…
Week 9 lecture
- A planned approach to integrating change which includes formal processes for assessing the impact of the change on both the people it affects and the way they do their jobs
(70% of all change initiatives fail, because they do not address the “human” component of change)!
What large scale businesses implement for natural results in significant and fundamental change…
Week 9 lecture
- How people do their jobs changes.
- What the job / work content is may change.
- With whom people work and to whom they report may change.
- The tools (systems, reports, etc.) of the job and how people interface with them change.
- Implementing the initiative requires additional, unfamiliar work, maybe in unfamiliar locations.
Change management…
Week 9 lecture
- CHANGE MANAGEMENT helps determine how people will react to these changes,
and therefore, the ultimate success of the transformation of the
Forces of Change…
Week 9 lecture
- The advances in information exchange and dissemination has resulted in the rapid transfer of ideas and cultural knowledge
- As a result, even more companies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the destabilisation of their markets through the rapid change in customer needs and behaviour
Four Key Premises of Managing Change…
Week 9 lecture
Strategy matters – in identifying need for change and direction of change.
Context matters – right approach to change depends on circumstances.
Inertia and resistance – getting people to change from existing ways of doing things is essential.
Leadership matters – good leadership of change at all levels is needed.
Levers of Change…
Week 9 lecture
- Challenge status quo
- Change operations
- Symbolic change
- Power and politics
- Compelling case for change
Four Types of Strategic Change…
Week 9 lecture
Adaptation – can be accommodated with the existing culture and can occur incrementally.
Reconstruction – rapid change but without fundamentally changing the culture.
Revolution – fundamental changes in both strategy and culture.
Evolution – cultural change is required but this can be accomplished over time.
Education, Delegation, Collaboration & Coercion…
Week 9 lecture
Education & Delegation:
- Small group briefings to discuss and explain things.
- Aim to gain support for change by generating understanding and commitment.
Widespread involvement of employees on decisions about what and how to change.
Power used to impose change.
Participation & Direction…
Week 9 lecture
- Involvement of employees in how to deliver desired changes.
- May include limited collaboration over aspects of ‘how’ to change as well as ‘what’ to change.
- Change leaders make most decisions about what to change and how.
- Use authority to direct change
Resistance to change…
Week 9 lecture
- Structural resistance
- Limited focus of change
- Group inertia
- Threat to expertise
- Threat to established power relationships
- Threat to established resource allocations
Why to expect resistance to change…
Week 9 lecture
- It has been said people do not resist change -> they resist being changed.
- Diffferent people react to the same changes in different ways -> Making this idea of change difficult
- Change triggers the organisation’s immune system sort of like antibodies -> Resistance can be valuable by defending the health of the organisation + individuals.
- However, it can also cause problems. Resistance is a very reliable barometer to measure impact of change -> but not a good gauge of how appropriate the change may be.
(Resistance is the common side effect of change)
Resistance Guidelines…
Week 9 lecture
- Try to understand their position, most resist for good reasons.
- Listen to the -> they may really be an ally and prevent you from doing something illogical.
- Treating resisters with respect and dignity may alone keep resistance from escalating.
- Discounting it gives them the feeling they must fight.
- Disallowing it will drive it underground.
Key elements of managing change…
Week 9 lecture
- Diagnosis
- Leading and managing change
- Levers of change
- Managing change programmes
Spectrum of possible behaviour toward change…
Week 9 seminar
- Acceptance
- Indifference
- Passive resistance
- Active resistance
Using motivation to manage change…
Week 9 seminar
- Effort - must be defined in relation to its appropriateness to the objectives being pursued.
- Persistence - relates to the willingness of the individual to stay with a task until it is complete.
- Direction - measured in terms of how persistent effort is applied in relation to the goals being pursued.
- Goals - individual goals and organisational goals (must be compatible).