Management Flashcards
When do you need to treat speech breathing?
If a patient has issues with decreased loudness, speech-breathing coordination, reduced naturalness of speech
RESPIRATION: Behavioural management
Increased inhalation (slow exhalation), optimal breath group, awareness of optimal breath group length, LSVT, postural changes
RESPIRATION: Postural considerations
Expiratory weaker than inspiratory (e.g., MS, TBI, SCI)
RESPIRATION: Postural considerations
inspiratory weaker than expiratory (e.g., ALS, lung disease)
Abdominal trussing, pushing on abdomen (medical supervision)
PHONATION: Behavioural strategies
Effortful closure, phonation on exhalation, head turning, touch throat, breathy onset, LSVT
RESONANCE: Prosthetic
Palatal lift, nose clip, nasal obturator
RESONANCE: Behavioural
Speech hygiene, CPAP training, feedback
Bite block (hypokinetic, hyperkinetic, spastic; never flaccid)
Strength/speed training (not for degenerative disease; only when weakness is impacting intelligibility; flaccid, UUMN, spastic, hypokinetic)
Exaggerated articulation
Minimal contrasts (get good inventory, consider neighbourhood)
Intelligibility drills
RATE: Prosthetic
Delayed auditory feedback (hypokinetic)
Pacing devices (hypokinetic, spastic-ataxic)
Alphabet supplementation
RATE: Behavioural
Hand or finger tapping
Rhythmic cueing (point to words whole speaking in speech rhythm; Friedrich’s ataxia)
Visual feedback
‘Backdoor’ (increasing loudness, pitch variability, stress, phrasing)
PROSODY: Behavioural
Breath group (chunk utterances)
Contrastive stress
Referential tasks
Work across breath groups
Speaker Tx examples: Flaccid
Increasing respiratory support (MPT, subglottal air presure, posture, prosthetic, deep inhalation)
Surgery on VF
Palatal lift, surgery, CPAP
NSOMEs (non-degenerative only)
Myasthenia Gravis contraindications
Behavioural speech tx
Speaker Tx examples: Spastic
Medications, laryngeal botox
Relaxation, stretching
Spastic contraindications
Effortful closure techniques
Speaker Tx examples: Ataxic
Behavioural techniques (modifying rate or prosody)