Management Flashcards
How would you prevent preterm labour?
Vaginal progesterone
Prophylactic Cervical Cerclage
How would you manage preterm labour?
Administer Tocolytics
Magnesium Sulfate
How would you manage PPROM?
Admit, sterile speculum
Mg Sulfate
What are the risk factors for preterm labour?
Smoking, multiple pregnancy , previous
How do you manage PROM?
IOL after 24 h
IOL if meconium
What are the risks of ECV?
50% success
Placental Abruption
Foetal Distress needing c section
Risks of breech vaginal birth?
40% c section
How would you induce labour?
Membrane sweep
vaginal prostaglandins
VBAC risks
Uterine rupture
75% successful, need for emergency c-section in 25%
How would you manage uterine rupture?
ABCDE (group and save)
Expedite delivery
Urgent surgery to repair the uterus
How would you manage PPH?
Senior, haemorrhage protocol
Massage uterus
How would you manage Hypertension in pregnancy?
Serial growth scans every 4 weeks
How would you manage diabetes in pregnancy?
Folic Acid
Monitor glucose
Foetal abnormality scan
Serial growth scans every 4 weeks
Elective birth between 37-38+6 weeks
Sliding scale during labour
When should you check thyroid function in pregnancy?
Every 2-4 weeks
How would you manage hsv in pregnancy?
Oral aciclovir & vaginal if 1/2 trimester
c section if birth within 6 weeks
HIV counselling pregnancy?
Joint clinic every 2 weeks
Monitor viral load and at delivery, might need c section.
Don’t breastfeed
When should a patient with pre-eclampsia be admitted?
Symptoms of severe disease
Foetal compromise
Biochemical abnormalities
How should pre-eclampsia be monitored antenatally?
Deliver at 37 weeks
BP 4x a week
Bloods 2x a week
Growth scans every 2 weeks
Risk factors for pre eclampsia
Previous HTN disorder
Kidney Disease
What are the risks of gestational diabetes?
Maternal: HTN, trauma, stillbirth
Foetal: big baby, neonatal hypo, congenital abnormalities
How would you counsel on obstetric cholestasis?
- Risk Factors: personal or family history of OC, history of liver disease, multiple pregnancy
- Explain diagnosis and risks (stillbirth and premature birth)
- Explain need for early delivery (37 weeks)
- Explain regular monitoring with weekly LFTs
- Advise paying close attention to foetal movements
- Symptomatic treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid and emollients (and maybe vitamin K)
- High recurrence rate (up to 90%)
How is acute fatty liver of pregnancy managed?
Supportive in ITU
Expedite delivery as soon as stable
How is IUGR managed?
Growth scans every 2 weeks
Dopplers twice a week
Monitor movements
Delivery by 37 weeks as a consultant led decision
Placenta praevia counsel
• Risk Factors: previous placenta praevia, multiple pregnancy, previous C-section, smoking and drug use, advanced maternal age
• Presenting with Asymptomatic Low-Lying / Placenta Praevia
o Explaintheimportanceofthefinding(increasesriskofbleeding) o Explainthat90%ofplacentaswillmoveawayfromtheos
o Rescanat32weeksandthengofromthere
o Advisetoavoidhavingsex
• Presenting with Symptomatic Placenta Praevia (with bleeding)
o Admituntilbleedinghasstoppedandforafurther48hours
o Explaintheimportanceofthefindingandthatthefoetusneedstobemonitored o Explainthatpromptdeliveryneedstobediscussed(basedongestation)
o Explaintherisksofdelivery:
Major blood loss
May require a blood transfusion May require a hysterectomy
How would you manage placental abruption?
• ABCDE approach
o Gain2xIVaccess
o Bloods(FBC,Rhesusstatus,cross-matchandclottingscreen)
o Continuousfoetalmonitoring
o Fluid,antifibrinolytics,blood,orblood-productreplacement,asindicated
• Give anti-D immunoglobulin in Rh-negative women
• Decide on delivery:
o Ifmotherishaemodynamicallyunstableorthereisevidenceoffoetaldistress→
Expedite delivery (irrespective of gestation)
o Ifmotherishaemodynamicallystable,andthereisnoevidenceoffoetaldistress→
If >37 weeks gestation → induction of labour
If <37 weeks gestation → give steroids and admit to antenatal ward for close monitoring
• If bleeding settles, consider discharging home with weekly serial growth scans until term
Miscarriage counselling
Risk Factors: advanced maternal age, previous miscarriages, chronic conditions (e.g. uncontrolled diabetes), uterine or cervical anomalies, smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use, underweight or overweight
• Breaking bad news
o Explain the diagnosis
o Reassure that thisiscommonandunder-reported(1in5pregnancies) Explain that risk increases with age
If asked about cause: explain that most of the time there is no cause o Explainthemanagementoptions(expectant,medicalandsurgical)
If medical: explain what to expect (pain, bleeding, nausea)
Antiemetics and pain relief will be given o Advisetodoapregnancytestafter3weeks
• Safety net: return if symptoms get worse, bleeding persists after 7-14 days