Malenoma In Horae Flashcards
Malenoma in horse
Occur in grey horses mostly 4-5 year in old animal
Most commonly at the base of tail and perinum
black nodules slowly in crease in size
3 46 nerve control which muscle
levator palbebrae superioris , medial lateral superior recutus muscle and inferior oblique muscle
dorsal oblique muscle
lateral recuts and retractor bulbi muscle
Epizootic haemrhagic disease in dear caused by virus
Vector ?
Echymotic haemrhages on mouth lips
Gastroenteritis and pneumonia found dead
Resemble with foot and mouth disease in ruminant
After surgery bloat is prevented by which recumbency in goat
Left lateral
Proximal enteritis | Ilietis in horse is cured by
Gastric compression by NG tube
Reticulum approach
What come when you approach reticulum if
Left para lumbar fossa
First structure after muscle is of Caudal dorsal blind sac of rumen
Horse in dorsal recumbency
Ventrol - L mismatch
Dalmatians dog have Uric acid crystals but no uroliths
Change diet low protein content they lack liver enzyme and give non acidifying diet
Irregular toot wears called horse enamel point
Cause enamel point on upper teeth at the cheek side Maxillary
Cause enamel point at the tongue side in the lower teeth mendibular
Hypertrophic dystrophy
Large dog
End of the long bone mostly distal radius and ulna thickens
Sign fever lamness
Iron deficiency anemia
Isoflurane in ferret side effect
Decrease RBC
Hemoglobin concentration decreases
Linear foreign body surgery in cat
Synthetic , monofilament, absorbable
Horse ear tick
Otobius megnini
Drag a drop
Arabian horse. SCID
Quarter horse. hYPP
American paint horse White goal DZ
Belgian draft. Epidermal bullosa
Cranial border of lung used for auscultation surrounded by muscle
Triceps brachii
Horse lung auscultation dorsally
But not ventrally
Pleaural effusion
Highly oathogenic strain of A influenza
Onion toxicity
Bovine enamel hypoplasia
Perianal adenocarcinoma
Heprcalcemia increased drinking urination weight loss
Phenybutazine toxicity
Oral or gastric ulcer Diarhea
Ventral edema
Vit K dependent coagulation factor
v11 7
Rectal pal pati on of horse
Caudal part of spleen
Cat ventral recumbency elevated hind limbs surgery Complications ?
Penile prolapse
Foal with pnunonia lymphadenopathy
TB skin sensitivity
Type 4
Grnulamotous reaction to mycobactetia
PSVA sign
Pu\PD anorexia
Diarhea vomiting
Hyperammonemia neurological sign circling
Opioid in cat
Mycoplasma felis
Rod shaped
Bloody Diarhea rod shaped in pig
Salmonella typhutium
Ligation in oVH
Four arteries
Cat abscess with branching bacteria
Feline broncholdilation drug
Alveolar arterial gradient large
V/q mismatch
Horse in lateral recumbency
Lower lung have hypoventillation due to A a gradient
Corneal ulcer in cat
Herpes rhinitrachitis
Ulcerative keratitis serous oculonasal discharge
Cat otitis media caused by
Psudomanas and staphylococcus
Bowed tendon
Flexor tensynovitis
Fluid rate during anesthesia
Post surgery prevent tymoany in ruminant
Sternal recumbency
Ergot alkaloid
Cause Aglactia decrease milk production
Ferret adrenolectomy difficulty
Right side Caudal vena cave
Removal of maxillary teeth in. Dog predispose them
Cause oronasal fistula
Urethral obstruction
Hyperkalemia bradycardia missed p waves
Tibial surgery antibiotic
. Cefazolin
Mode of action of EIA
Opsonization and decrease phagocytosis
Trocar cannula
Left paralabar fossa
Suburethral diverticulum
Olecranon present in
Penicillin hypersensitivity in horse
Give EPI ( epinephrine
Muscle score of
DOC for pastuerella
Swelling in pahalnges in hind paw
Popliteal lymph node
Selenium toxicity
From infected meat ingestion
Acetoacetate in milk increased in early lactation lipid metabolism case
Hepatic lipidosis
Ferret should be vaccinated for
Cainine diatemper
Cruptorshidism case
Undesecend. Size increase feminising syndrome Sertoli cell tumour
Treatment for contracted tendon last resort
Sweet clover toxicity
Impaired coagulopathy Haemorrhages
Mediastinal case with regurgitating on of food
Endoscopy can’t be reached to
Resolving intususception
Milk out intususpiens
And hold intususeptum
Dog vertebral formula
C7 T13L7S3
Enamel hypoplasia in dog