Dec 2 Flashcards
Thorocicentesis is in cattle
Between 7-8 rib
Reverberation artifact
Lungs and intestine due to high reflection
Anaplasma marginale
No hemoglobinuria
Inclusion bodies on erythrocyte periphery or margins
Incision for castration
Bilateral on scrotum in lambs and calves
Ruptured bladder fuid uroperitnium
Abdomino centesis check BUN increases
BVD before 100
Calve persistently infected
4 nerve damage trachlear
Pure sensory nerve
1 olfactory
2 optic
8 vestibule at cochlear
Mixed nerve
5 triage Minaal
7 fasciae
9 glosopharengeal
10 vagus
Urethral stone in dog
Retropulsion in bladder
Cat recieve blood from other cat
Hepersesiyivuty 2 autoimmune immune mediated anemia
Cribbing and wind sucking horse
Incisor of horse
Threat to cow calf operation
Bull purchase
Common intersex condition
Male pseudo hermaphrodite
Testicles in the abdomen
External genitalia female
Tetratolgy of fallot
Keeshhounds eng bulldog
Blood volume
Pancreatitis in cat DC
Trypsin like immunoreactivity
Black spot in the kidney
Reflex arc pathway
Peripheral receptor
Peripheral neuron
Lower motor neuron
Flexor muscle
Order of horse limb block
Low volar
High volar
Double exposure artifact in
Bladder X-ray
Feline hepatic lipidosis
Alp with normal GGt
Restating lama
Secure head
Pata vertebral block
T13 L1 and L2
For para lumbar fossa laparotomy
Proximal parvertebral block
Penicillin hypersensitivity
Vincristine dosage
Site of abdominocentesis
Caudal to umblicus
Chorionic dirhea with acid fast staining
Mycobacterium paratuberclosis
Heat conservative mechanism
Lesion of erysipelas
Vasculitis and thrombosis
Most common rat tumour
Mammary fibroadenoma
Lesion of Brucella Ovis in sheep
Epidydymitis and feral resorption
That take sand bath
Cat bladder full not able to pass urine when express stream of urine come out
Detrusor Antony balder atony
Oronasla fitula In dog associates with
Tumour supressor gene
Right lateral recumbency
Right below hypoinflation
Left upper hyperinflation
ET tube difficulty
Rabbit then cat , lama calves sheep goat
Equine linea alba
2 polyglyconate
Mono filament absorbable
Pasturela muticida
Non displaced radius fracture
Type 2 external fixation
Tears from eye in pig
Check ventilation
Antibiotic before surgery in dog
Beef herd abortion fenced with elk and bison
Brucella abortus
Most prevelant parasite in foal
Heavy metal poisoning
Activated charcol
Urinary bladder detrusor innervation
Sympathetic Hypogastric (T10 L2
Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerves(S2 -4)