Male Urogenital Flashcards
Open vs. closed castration
Open vaginal tunic vs. closed vaginal tunic
WHy do you no deep bites along the midline
Don’t want to take the urethra
Complications to a canine castration
Scrotal swelling
SCrotal hematoma (small vessels bleeding)
Abdominal hemorrhage (ligature slips)
Wound infection/dehesence
right more likely than left to be cryptorchid
abdominal more common than inguinal
At risk of neoplasia
Remove the cryptorchid testicle first, starting to look in abdomen(?) from the kidney to the inguinal ring.
Follow the ductus deferens or follow the gubernaculum (ligament that helps the testicle descend)
If the testes is in the abdomen it didn’t descend through the vaginal tunic
Testicular torsion
Don’t untwist
Often tied to a cryptorchid
Signs: Acute Scrotal swelling, painful, acute abdomen & shock
Castrate & give supportive care
Testicular tumours
3 types
Interstitial - leydig
Sertoli (estrogen)
(happen with equal frequency)
-> rarely metastatic
Scrotal ablation (implies castration)
Scrotal urethrostomy
Cosmetic reasons
Prostatic Disease
Tenesmis (pain on defication)
Dyschezia (blood in the stool)
Penile discharge
Abdominal pain
Shock (if large or ruptured abscess etc)
Prostatic Disease - how do diagnose
Palpate & do rectal
CBC & Biochem + unine analysis
Prostatic Disease - differentials
Prostatic retension cysts
ParaProstatic cysts
Prostatic abscess
Normal in older dogs,
Due to androgens
Great prognosis
Prostatic retension cysts vs. paraprostatic cysts
prostatic retention cysts communicate with the prostatic paranchyma
(prostatic retention cysts - drain, treat with castration)
paraprostatic cysts - traetment
Thought it was from Embryologic
Don’t castrate them
Don’t drain
Partial resection with omentelize them.
Prostatic abscesses
Micro abscesses that coalesce
Usually e-coli; can be acute or chronic
Can have constipation & penile discharge
Can cause a UTI
(Abscess caudal abdominal pain)
If rupture -serios
FLouroquinolones & be serous
Castrate & drain abscess in surgery
If unresponsvive, partial prostectomy
For draining, break it open & can drain post-op
Prostatectomy in the prostatic abscess - options
Complete or Partial
Complete - increased risk of incontenance
Can marsupilize
Omentum to stop adhesions to other organs
Porstatic neoplasia
Castration doesn’t prevent
Malignant: adeno or squamous cell carcinoma (metatstazies to the iliac lymph nodes, lungs & bones)
Poor to grave prognoses
Prostatectomy to relieve symptoms
Can stint the urethral obstruction, can use castration, radiation, chemo
Prostatic Metaplasia
e.g Sertoli, Seminoma
Exogenous Estrogen or anti-androgens