Male Repro Flashcards
describe the processus vaginalis
- evagination of peritoneal cavity and membrane
describe the testicular transabdominal descent
- retroperitoneal
- through inguinal canal
describe the tunica vaginalis
- peritoneal sac
- remnant of the processus vaginalis
describe cryptorchidism
- condition when testes do not descend into the scrotum
describe tunica albuginea
- 2 layers:
- outer = thick, dense irregular CT
- inner = loose CT
- tunica vasculosa with blood vessels
- extends inward to form speta
name the 2 cells populations in seminiferous epithelium
- Sertoli cells
- spermatogenic cells
describe Sertoli cells
- supporting/sustenacular cells
- columnar cells
- tight junctions join adjacent Sertoli cells
- forms blood-testis barrier
- secrete inhibin
- hormone that inhibits FSH secretion
- secretes androgen binding protein
- binds testosterone to keep concentration high
describe spermatogenic cells
- spermtagonia (2n, 2d) = basal side
- stem cells
- Type A dark and pale
- Type B
- primary spermatocytes (2n, 4d)
- secondary spermatocytes (1n, 2d)
- spermatids (1n, 1d)
- spermatazoa (1n, 1d) = luminal side
describe 4 phases of spermiogenesis
- Golgi phase
- formation of acrosomal vesicle
- assembly of microtubule axoneme flagellum (9+2)
- Cap phase
- formation of acrosomal cap
- Acrosome phase
- spermatid reorients and head becomes embedded in the Sertoli cell
- Formation of middle piece with mitochondria
- Maturation phase
- forms mature spermatazoa
- loss of intracellular bridges
- spermatids released from Sertoli cells into lumen
describe the parts of the spermatazoa
- head
acrosomal cap with acrosomal enzymes
- essential for penetration of zona pelucida in egg
- nucleus has 23 condensed chromosomes
acrosomal cap with acrosomal enzymes
- tail (flagellum)
- neck
- middle piece which contains mitochondria
- principal piece
- end piece
describe the location of Leydig cells
- interstitial cells that are located in spaces between adjacent seminiferous tubules
name characteristics of Leydig cells
- large, eosinophillic cells
- small, round nucleus
- numerous lipid droplets (producing steroid -> testosterone)
- large amount of sER
- Reinke crystals
describe function of Leydig cells
- secrete testosterone
- embryo: essential for development of male gonads
- puberty:
- initiation of spermatogenesis, accessory gland secretion and secondary sex characteristics
- adult: maintenance
EM of Leydig cell
lipid droplets and extensive sER
Reinke crystal within a Leydig cell
contrast the intratesticular ducts from excurrent ducts
- intratesticular
- seminiferous tubules
- straight tubules (tubuli recti)
- rete testis
- excurrent ducts
- efferent ductules
- epididymis
- ductus deferens (vas deferens)
- ejaculatory ducts
describe tubuli recti and rete testis
- tubuli recti aka straight tubules = short terminal portion of seminiferous tubule
- only contains Sertoli cells changing to simple cuboidal
- rete testis
- network of channels
- simple cuboidal to low columnar
describe efferent ductules
- connects rete testis to epididymis
- pseudostratified columnar epi. – looks scalloped/jagged
- tall cells with cilia
- short cells with microvilli
- basal stem cells
- function is to transport sperm
describe the epididymis
- secretion of GPC
- storage and maturation of sperm (12 days)
- role in decapacitation
- reversibly inhibits fertilizing ability of sperm; recapcitated in female repro. tract
- pseudostratified epi.
- principal cells (tall columnar cells w/ stereocilia)
- basal cells (stem cells)
describe the ductus deferens
- pseudostratified epithelium
- 3 muscular layers
- inner
- middle
- outer
describe the path of seminal vesicles and function
- paired glands posterior to bladder
- ducts joins ampulla of ductus deferens to form ejaculatory duct
- secrete a whitish yellow, alkaline, viscous fluid (60% of semen volume)
- high in fructose for ATP production
describe secretion of prostate
- citric acid
- ATP production
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
- used to check for health of prostate (cancer)
- prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP)
- also used to check for health of prostate)
- seminalplasmin
- antibiotic
- fibrolysin
- liquefies semen
- produces about 25% of volume of semen
describe the 4 zones of the prostate
- central zone
- surrounds ejaculatory ducts
- 25% glandular tissue
- peripheral zone
- surrounds central
- 70% glandular
- most prostatic carcinomas arise from peripheral
- transition zone
- surrounds prostatic urethra
- 5% glandular
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- periurethral zone
- mucosal and submucosal gland
the prostate converts ____ to _____
the prostate converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
how to tell apart prostate from seminal vesicles?
prostate has round, circular concretions
describe the bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands)
- paired glands inferior to prostate on either side of the membranous urethra
- ducts open into the penile (spongy) urethra
- secrete clear, mucus-like fluid into the penile urethra
- simple columnar epithelium
- clear mucus secretion
- simple columnar epithelium
efferent ductules; jagged/scalloped epithelium
ductus deferens (vas deferens)
seminal vesicle
prostate gland–can see the concretions
bulbourethral glands; contain glandular epithelium (simple columnar) so that they can secrete a clear, mucus secretion which is the preseminal fluid