male and female anatomy Flashcards
genital self-image
- attitudes and feelings about genitals
- peoples feelings about their genitals may be affected by whether they perceive their genitals to fit with cultural norms
- e.g. too big/small, sexual experiences, medical conditions
female external organs
clitoris, mons pubis, labia minora and majora, vulvar vestibule, vaginal opening, hymen
labia majora
- outer lips
- rounded pads of fatty tissue lying along both sides of vaginal opening, covered with pubic hair
labia minora
- inner lips
- 2 hairless folds of skin lying between he outer lips and running right along edge of vaginal opening
- inner lips extend forward and come together in front, forming the clitoral hood
glans clitoris
knob of external tissue above the vaginal and urethral opening
the hood of skin that covers the clitoris
consists of two corpora cavernosa
2 longer spongy bodies that lie deep in body and run from tip to either side of vagina
- thin membrane that partial covers the vaginal opening
- varies in physical types
- not a sign of virginity
mons pubis
- also called mons or mons veneris
- rounded fatty pad of tissue, covered with pubic hair, at front of body
- lies on top of pubic bones
female internal organs
vagina, vestibular bulb, skenes gland or female prostate, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, mammary glands (breasts)
- tube shaped organ
- passageway though which a baby travels during birth; aka birth canal
- 7.5 to 12.5cm long in unaroused state
- ends in the vaginal opening or introitus
the bartholin glands
- small pair of glands that lie to the right and left of the vagina
- their function is unknown, may contribute to vaginal lubrication
vestibular bulbs
- bulbs of clitoris
- 2 organs about the size of vaginal wall, near the entrance, under labia minora
- they are erectile tissue and lie close to crura of clitoris
skenes gland
- also known as female prostate
- paraurethral gland
- womb
- size of a fist and is shaped like an upside down pear
- contains cervix, body and fundus
three layers of uterus
endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium/serosa
fallopian tubes
- aka oviducts/uterine tubes
- narrow and lined with cilia
- pathway where egg leaves ovaries and sperm reach the egg
where does fertilization occur
in the infudibulum
what are fimbria
fingerlike projections on end of fallopian tube
- 2 organs the size of almonds
- produce eggs, and manufacture female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone
- contains follicles (capsules surrounding eggs)
- consist of 15-20 clusters of mammary glands, each with separate opening to nipple, and fatty fibrous tissue which surrounds clusters of glands
- nipple is where milk ducts open
- areola is area surrounding nipple
male external organs
- penis, foreskin, scrotum or scrotal sac
end or tip of penis
meatus/urethral opening
opening at the end of the glans; urine and semen pass through
part of penis that attaches to the body
main part of the penis
raised ridge separating glans from the shaft
layer of skin that covers the glans
- surgical cutting away or removal of the foreskin
- done for cultural and religious reasons
benefits of circumcision
- circumcised babies 11x less likely to get UTIs
- circumcised adults may transfer less HPV to partners
- uncircumcised men may have greater risk for HIV
- no difference in sensitivity
copora cavernosa
2 spongy bodies lying on top
corpus spongiosum
single body lying on the bottom of the penis; urethra runs through the middle
- scrotal sac
- loose pouch of skin, lightly covered with hair
- contains testes
- manufacture germ cells (sperm)
- manufacture sex hormones; testosterone
seminiferous tubules
long series of threadlike tubes in testes
- manufacture and store sperm
interstitial cells / leydigs cells
- function to produce testosterone
- found in connective tissue lying between the seminiferous tubules
- long tube coiled into a small crescent shaped region on the top and side of testis
- stores, ripens, & matures sperm
vas deferens
tube that goes up and out of the scrotum and eventually passes through the prostate where it is called the ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicles
2 saclike structures that lie above the prostate, behind the bladder and in front of rectum
- produce 70% of the seminal fluid, or ejaculate
- lies below the bladder
- size and shape of chestnut
- secretes a milky alkaline fluid that is part of the ejaculate
Cowper’s glands
- bulbourethral glands
- located below prostate and empty into urethra