Major religions in SA Flashcards
Which religion believes in the Holy Trinity?
What is the main symbol of Christianity?
The cross
What is the name of the stories Jesus told in the Bible?
What is the sacred place where Hindu’s worship?
A shrine
What is the Hindu sacred symbol?
the Aum
What is insense?
Sticks that are burned to give off sweet smells
Which religions symbol is a wheel?
What are Buddist temples called?
What does Ubuntu mean?
Treat others kindly, show concern, work for the good of the community
What 3 religions/cultures is the Shembe religion made up of?
Zulu, Christianity and Judaism
What does ZCC stand for?
Zion Christian Church
What is the Muslim religion called?
What is the Muslim fast called?
What is a mosque
Place where Muslims worship
What is the Muslim symbol
Cresent and star
Which day is special about Fridays for Jews?
Sabbath - they have a special meal and must rest
What is a kippah
Skull cap worn by Jewish boys and men
What is the Jewish holy book and symbol?
The Torah and the Star of David
Which religion is the number 9 special to?
Baha’i faith