Hormones Produced and Target
Tissue/Gland: Hypothalamus
Stimulate or inhibits the release of specific hormones
Hormone Produced: Releasing and inhibiting hormones
Target: Anterior Pituitary
Tissue/Gland: Anterior pituitary
Stimulates production and secretion of thyroxine
Hormone Produced (HP): Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Target: Thyroid
Stimulates milk production
HP: Prolactin
Target: Mammary gland
Stimulates secretion of corticosteroids
HP: Adrenocorticotropic
Target: Adrenal Cortex
Decrease pain
HP: Endorphin
Target: Brain
Stimulates general body growth
HP: GrowthHormone (GH)
Target: Various Cells
Stimulates ovulation and production of estrogen and progesterone
HP: Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Target: Ovary
Stimulates growth of ovarian follicle, stimulates sperm production
HP: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Target: Ovary, Testes
Tissue/Gland: Posterior Pituitary
Stimulates milk secretion, Induces uterine contraction
HP: Oxytocin
Target: Mammary Gland, Uterus
Increase water absorption
HP: Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Target: Kidney
Tissue/Gland: Thyroid
Increase metabolic rate and growth
HP: Thyroxine
Target: Most Cells
Stimulates calcium uptake
HP: Calcitonin
Target: Bones
Tissue/Gland: Parathyroid
Stimulates calcium release into blood, stimulates calcium absorption
HP: Parathyroid Hormone
Target: Bones, Digestive tract
Tissue/Gland: Adrenal Glands
Increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar
HP: Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
Target: Circulatory System
Increases breathing rate and clears airways
HP: Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
Target: Respiratory System
Tissue/Gland: Pancreas
Stimulates glucose uptake from blood
HP: Insulin
Target: Various Cells
Stimulates glucose release from cells into blood
HP: Glucagon
Target: Various Cells
Tissue/Gland: Ovary
Stimulates female development and behavior
HP: Estrogen
Target: Various Cells
Stimulates growth of uterine lining
HP: Progesterone
Target: Uterus
Tissue/Gland: Testes
Stimulates male development and behavior
HP: Testosterone
Target: Various Cells
Tissue/Gland: Thymus
Stimulates differentiation in white blood cells
HP: Thymosin
Target: White Blood Cells
Tissue/Gland: Pineal
Promotes sleep
HP: Melatonin
Target: Brain
Tissue/Gland: Gastrointestinal tract
Stimulates hydrochloric acid secretion
HP: Gastrin
Target: Gut Cells