Major as leader and party divisions Flashcards
describe Major’s background:
-not a typical ‘old etonian’ tory - grew up in a brixton council house
-became an MP in 1979
-quickly moved up the career ladder whilst in Thatcher’s cabinet
what were his aims in 1990?
-establish greater party unity and heal divisions
-end the poll tax
-conclude fighting in the gulf war
-develop britain’s role in europe (he was a europhile)
-win the next election (so he could be seen as personally elected)
describe Major’s values and ideology:
-emphasises democratic values: a country that is ‘willing to build a better quality of life for all its citizens’
-a classless society
-consensus politics
describe the 1992 election:
-called at the last point possible
-used soap box politics - traditional campaigning e.g. making speeches in working class areas - which was effective
-result = majority of 10 seats
-very high turnout
-won the popular vote by 2.5 mil ish
-he was seen as an honest politician, and a better alternative to Kinnock
what was the Maastricht rebellion?
-there was disagreement within the party over Major negotiating the Maastrict treaty, which established the european union (instead of the EEC)
-10 MPs were expelled from the party, they then became independent MPs which increased the risk of backbench rebellion
what was the Maastricht truce?
-the rebels were reinstated in the party
-whole event damaged the credibility and strength of Major’s leadership
describe divisions within the party:
-divisions worsened under Major
-right-wingers pushed for more radical social policies
-politicians with leadership ambitions wanted to advance their claims
-Eurosceptics pushed to isolate GB from europe
-press speculated about leadership challenges e.g. from Redwood or Portillo
-right-wing press wanted a strong leader to ‘save the party’
describe the leadership election:
-major called it himself - ‘back me or sack me’
-Redwood was his opponent
-Major won comfortably so there didn’t need to be a second vote, but 89 MPs had voted against him which could become a big problem