Major Arcana Flashcards
Upright: Ready for anything, nothing to fear. New beginning, adventure
Reversed: What if I fall? I can’t do that. Not ready. Afraid to start something new.
- Upright: having the power to change your life/ situation. Having the power to cure an illness.
Reversed: no power to change things, incurable.
The High Priestess
- Upright: the ideal, not settling, in a perfect world…
Reversed: settling, settling for less than you want . Not ideal
The Empress
- Upright: emotionally ready to be a wife/mother. the idea of being a wife/mother.
Reversed: not emotionally ready to be a wife/mother, no longer wanting to be one, divorced.
The Emperor
Upright: emotionally ready to be a husband/father. The chairman of a company. The president of a country. Very high leader.
Reversed: domineering husband/father, a bully. Lousy husband/father. Incompetent leader
Tip: With the hierophant, he is a man in high power (the president)
The Hierophant
- Upright: A government. A foreign person. A foreign country. Tradition, 9-5 job, social institutions, government processes working in your favor.
Reversed: non traditional, unorthodox, bad court decision
Tip: alternative medicine
The Lovers
- Upright: Lifestyle change, time for a lifestyle change.
Reversed: Needing to make a lifestyle change, not ready for a lifestyle change. Not ready to make a life altering choice
The Chariot
- Upright: having one’s act together. a vehicle. short trips.
Reversed: not having one’s act together. a bad or unreliable vehicle. stalls. no movement. inbalance.
- Upright: believe and faith in yourself, god. Health. the ability to control one’s desires and urges. physical strength. self love.
Reversed: no faith in self/god. Infection. despair. compromised immune system. excess.
The Hermit
- Upright: Shedding light on something. wisdom. a wise person. a person trained to illuminate the dark places. aloneness. solitude. looking withing.
Reversed: refusal to listed to good advice.
Tip: with moon it indicates ‘therapy’.
The Wheel of Fortune
- Upright: It’s time. The tide is in and it’s time to launch something. Time to take a big step.
Reversed: it’s not time. The time is out. Not time to do something big.
- Upright: getting what you deserved or earned. a legal decision. a legal document. the law. balance. weight issues
Reversed: Not getting what you deserve or have earned. Injustice. Legal issues. Out of balance.
Tip: With temperance is weight out of control.
The Hanged Man
- Upright: hanging around. Patience. Something pending.
Reversed: when is it my turn?
- Upright: maturity, maturing, slow growth, rebirth, a new cycle beginning
Reversed: immaturity, grow up already, still in bondage to early family conditioning.
- Upright: holistic health. balance. eating right. drinking in moderation. hormonal balance. water intake. friendship. cooking. desire to heal.
Reversed: Out of control habit. too much salt/sugar in the diet. too little water. not holistically healthy.
Tip: With the devil this can mean addiction, obesity or alcoholism.
The Devil
- Upright: Malignant. chronic. toxic. very bad. crutch issues. sick. great sex.
Reversed: not bad, toxic or malignant. healed. letting go of unhealthy crutches
The Tower
- Upright: shake up your life, your life is being shaken up. radical change. electronic things.
Tip: could show up to relfect stroke or nuerological problem.
Reversed: conflict, inner conflict. conflict with another.
The Star
- Upright: aspirations, big dreams, lifelong dreams, hope
Reversed: depression
The Moon
- Upright: mother. the womb. instincts. the public. the unconscious controlling mother. dreams while sleeping. reproductive symptoms. one bodily organ.
Reversed: Reunion. going back to someone or something.
The Sun
- Upright: a new life at any age, daytime, the life force, enthusiasm, baby, birth
Reversed: same as upright
- Upright: wake up call, realizing something, making a major announcement. Hearing a major announcement.
Reversed: not realizing, needing to realize something, not aware of something, needing to be aware.
The World
- Upright: successful completion, closure, end of a cycle. christmas season.
Reversed: no successful completion, no closure, unfinished business that will stay unfinished.