Maintenance: Social Exhange Theory Flashcards
What theory from economics is the social exchange theory based on?
Rational choice theory: weigh up costs and benefits of an action before they do it, actual/potential past, present and future benefits, rational economic decision to benefit ourselves
What theory from behaviourism in psychology is the social exchange theory based on?
Operant conditioning: behaviour with rewards = repeat via positive reinforcement, people act to maximise reward (satisfying/committed relationship) and avoid cost
What is the basic formula of the social exchange theory?
Outcome = rewards - cost
What is the comparison level?
based on perceptions of previous relationships, the standard by which all other relationships are judged
What is the comparison level for alternatives?
perceptions about chances of getting a better relationship elsewhere with better outcomes
What is the practical application of the SET for making decisions about romantic relationships?
make implicit thoughts we have about relationships explicit, when faced with life decisions view relationship objectively to decide if it should continue
What is the general trend in research into the SET?
outcomes of a relationship are a reasonable predictor of relationship satisfaction and commitment
Who studied the SET in heterosexual college students?
Rusbult 1983: study over 7m, questionnaires every few weeks, peoples satisfaction, alternatives and investments predicted how committed they were to the relationship and if it lasted
Who found more supporting evidence of the SET?
Floyd 1994: commitment develops when couples satisfied with and feel rewarded in relationship and when equally/more attractive alternative relationships are not available to them
What are the sampling issues with research into the SET?
majority based on short term relationships: Western students, smaller amount of supporting research using older, married, homosexual and cross cultural couples