Maintenance Publications Flashcards
What is the purpose of Airworthiness Directives?
They are used to correct unsafe conditions in aircraft, engines, propellers, and appliances.
What FAA publication is used to notify aircraft owners of unsafe conditions?
Airworthiness Directives. ADs
When must an Airworthiness Directive be complied with?
The AD will include the time or period necessary for corrective action.
Where can you find a list of approved engines for use in a specific model aircraft?
On the Type Certificate Data Sheet for the Aircraft.
Where can you find Airworthiness Standards for normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes?
FAR Part 23.
Where can you find Airworthiness Standards for transport category airplanes?
FAR Part 25 .
What federal regulation defines the requirements for the issue of Type Certificates?
FAR Part 21.
Where would you look to find out if a specific airplane can be certified in more than one category?
On the Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheet.
What publication is issued by airframe, engine, and component manufacturers to notify aircraft owners of design defects.
Service bulletins.
What publication contains complete instructions for maintenance of all systems and components installed in an aircraft?
The manufacturer’s Aircraft Maintenance Manual.
What are FAA Advisory Circulars?
They are publications containing non-regulatory material of interest to the aviation public.
When must a manufacturer’s service bulletin be complied with?
When it is required by AD’s or is listed in the FAA aircraft type certificate data sheet and/ or aircraft specifications.
What manual must be used for reference in aircraft maintenance?
The current aircraft maintenance manual and/or instructions for continued airworthiness provided by the manufacturer.
What publication will list the FAR’s under which a specific aircraft was certificated?
FAA specifications and/ or FAA type certificate data sheet.
Are AD’s automatically issued to certificated mechanics?
How would you determine that the maintenance manual being used is current?
Contact the manufacturer.