Maintenance Form and Records Flashcards
whats listed in the 14 CFR Part 43, Appendix A ?
List of major alteration , major repair and preventive maintenace.
How the Holi-coils inserts are replaced?
Heli-coils inserts are replaced by extracting the damaged insert with a special extracting tool, gaging the holes with a Heli-coil thread gage, installing the new insert using the proper inserting tool and finally, breaking off the tang with the proper break off tool.
When Flexible and extra-flexible control cable should be replaced ?
when the individual wires in each stand appear to bend together (outer wires worn 40 to 50 percent).
A tube has been dented 18% of the tube diameter, does it need to be replaced?
NO, because a dent of up to 0.1 inch (20% of the tube diameter) deep would be acceptable amd would not have to be removed.
What AC 43-9 Paragraph 5.b states?
States that maintenance records may be kept in any format that provides record continuity includes required contents, lends itself to the addition of new entries, provides for signature entry, and is intelligible.
Whats AC 43-9 Paragraph 10.d states?
States that if the owner maintains seperate records for the airframe, powerplants, and propellers, the entry for the 100 hour inspection is entered in each, while the annual inspection is only required to be entred into the airframe record.
14 CFR 43.11
States that the person approving for return to service an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part after any inspection per formed in accordance with part 91.
AC 43.9-1F Paragraph 6.h.(3)
states that if additional space is needed to describe the repair or alteration, attach sheets bearing the aircraft nationality and registration mark and the date the work was completed.
14 CFR 43.119(a)
The person approving or disapproving for return to service an aircraft, airframe, aircraft enging, propeller, or appliance after any annual, 100-hour, or progressive inspection required by Part 91 shall make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment…
14 CFR 91.417
State that the records of the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration and record of the 100-hour, annual, progressive, and other required or approved inspections, as appropriate for each aircraft and each engine, propeller, rotor, and appliance of an aircraft must include the total time in service of the airframe, each engine, each propeller,repeated or superseded by other work or for 1 year after the work is performed.
`AC 43-9C paragraph 11.b
states that when a discrepancy list is provided to an owner or operator, it says in effect, that except for these discrepancies, the item inspected is airworthy.
AC 43-9C Paragraph 12
States that in order to reconstruct lost or destroyed maintainance record , it is necessary to establish the total time-in-service of the airframe.
AC 43.9-F paragraph 6.h(2)
State that data used as a basis for approving major repairs or alterations for return to service muts be FAA-approved prior to its use for that purpose.
AC43.9-F paragraph 7.d
States that FAA form 337 is not authorized for use on other than US-registrated aircraft.
14 CFR 91.417
The aircraft owner or operator is responsible for “ensuring that maintenance personnel make appropriate entries in the aircraft and maintenance record indicating the aircraft has been approved for return to service.
14 CFR Part 43, Appendix D
List the basic areas that must be included on the inspection checklist
14 CFR 21.197(a)(1)
Special flight authorization to allow the aircraft to be flown to another maintenance base where the required maintenance can be performed
According to 14 CFR 65.85 and 65.87
a certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant and approve the aircarft to return to service.