Mainstreaming, Integrated, and Inclusive Education Flashcards
What is special education?
Educational programs designed to meet the unique needs of students with mental, physical, social, or emotional differences.
What is mainstreaming?
The practice of educating students with special needs in classes with non-disabled students for specific periods based on their skills.
What is integrated education?
A form of mainstreaming where students with SEN are located in a special class or unit within the mainstream school, but participate in some mainstream activities.
What is the least restrictive environment (LRE)?
Placing students with special needs in the most typical educational setting appropriate for their needs.
What is inclusive education?
A philosophy that emphasizes the right of all students, regardless of their differences, to learn together in a supportive and inclusive environment.
What are the different types of mainstreaming in education?
Integrated education and inclusive education.
What are some benefits of integrated and inclusive education for non-disabled students?
Develops tolerance and understanding, changes attitudes about disabled individuals, and improves self-concept and self-worth.
What are some arguments for integrated and inclusive education?
Removes feelings of differentiation, reduces feelings of inferiority, provides scaffolding, enhances social skills, improves academic achievement, promotes tolerance and understanding, and is less expensive.
What are some arguments against segregated education?
Marginalizes students with disabilities, focuses on deficits, limits opportunities, and creates a separate life.
What is itinerant service delivery?
Itinerant teachers provide support to educators and caregivers to address IEP goals within the child’s typical routine or provide direct instruction to the child, focusing on IEP goals within ongoing activities or outside of their typical day.