Main Vocab Flashcards
Approach that deals with issues that require value judgment
A model used to compare countries but was stopped using in the 1990s
Three world approach
Nations that were economically underdeveloped and deprived
Third world nations
The way that citizens organize and define themselves and their interests
Civil society
Takes into to consideration not only the ways that politicians operate outside their formal powers, but also how the impact that beliefs, values, and actions of ordinary citizens have on policymaking
Informal politics
These countries have well established democratic governments and high level of economic development ie: Great Britain
Advanced democracies
These countries have sought to create a system that limits individual freedoms in order to divide wealth more equally
Communist and post communist countries
Stable, long lasting organizations that help to turn political ideas into policy ie: bureaucracies, legislatures, judicial systems, and political parties
The ability to carry out actions or policies within their borders independently from interference either from the inside or the outside.
Group of people bound together by a common political identity
Sense of belonging and identity that distinguishes one nation from another
State that contains more than one nation
Binational or multinational state
People without a state ie: Kurds
Stateless nation
Central are of a state
Core area
Outlying areas with smaller towns and factories
States with more than one core area
Multicore states
The rules that a state sets and follows in exerting it’s power
This type of regime bases it’s authority on the will of the people
Democracies where elected officials represent the people
Indirect democracy
Democracy where individuals have immediate say over many decisions that the government makes
Direct democracy
Approach based on factual statement and statistics
Empirical data
Democracies where citizens vote for legislative representatives, who in turn select the leaders of the executive branch
Parliamentary systems
Role that symbolizes the power and nature of the regime
Head of state
Role that deals with the everyday tasks of running the government
Head of government