Main Theorists Flashcards
> child learn through imitation
negative reinforcement - telling child got it wrong so they don’t make same mistake again
positive reinforcement - encouraging child that they got it right so they are motivated and enjoying learning.
language is innate - children born with ability to learn language.
LAD - Language Acquisition Device
virtuous errors - overgeneralisation
Cognitive theory - children only able to use language features if they actually understand
MKO - More Knowledgable Other controls and helps conversation, helps aid language development
child playing helps their language development
ZPD - children recievin support that enables them to do more than they would without help, showing there ZPD (zone of proximal development)
social interaction helps aid language development for child
categorical overextension - 1 member of a category is extended to all members of the category - e.g. apple for all round fruits
analogical overextension - word for 1 object for a different category based on similar physical properties - e.g. moon for ALL round objects
mismatch overextension - 1 word utterance that are abstract (make a statement about 1 object in relation to others)
Answering - giving direct resonse
Calling - attracting attention by shouting
Greeting - self evident
Labelling - simply naming or identifying a person, object or experience
Practising - using and repeating language when no adult is present
Protesting - objecting to requests
Repeating - echoing something as spoken by an adult reader
Requesting Action - demanding food, drink, a toy, assistance
Heurisitc - used to learn and explore about the environment
Imaginative - language used to explore the imagination
Instrumental - used to fulfil a need on the part of the speaker
Interactional - language used to develop social interaction
Regulatory - used to influence the behaviour of others by commanding
Representational - used to exchange information