Main Characters Flashcards
Waiting for Lefty
Harry Fatt Joe Mitchell Edna Mitchell Miller Fayette Irv Florrie Sid Tom Clayton Agate Keller Dr. Barnes Dr. Benjamin
Yekl (Cahan, 1896)
Yekl/Jake Gitl/Gertie Yossele/Joey Mamie Fein Fanny Scutelsky Bernstein Charlie Mrs. Kavarsky
Wynema (S. Alice Callahan 1891)
Wynema Harjo
Gerald Keithly
Genevieve Weir (Mihia)
Carl Peterson
Robin Weir
Maurice Mauran
Bessie (Toots) Weir
Winnie Weir
Wildfire & Miscona
Little Women (Alcott 1868)
Mr. March
Aunt March
Laurie Laurence
Mr. Brooke
Frederick Bhaer
Fred Vaughn
The Awakening (Chopin 1899)
Etienne & Raoul
The Colonel
Janet and Margaret
Mademoiselle Reisz
Adèle Ratignolle
Robert Lebrun
Alcée Arobin
Doctor Mandelet
The Lady in Black
The Farival Twins
Mrs. Highcamp
Madame Antoine
The Squatter and the Don (Burton, 1885)
Don Mariano Alamar
Gabriel Alamar
Victoriano Alamar
Elvira Alamar
Mercedes Alamar
Carlotta & Rosario Alamar
Madam Halier
William Darrell
Mary Moreneau Darrell
Alice Darrell
Everett Darrell
Webster Darrell
Jane & Lucy Darrell
Clementine Darrell
Willie Darrell
James Mechlin
George Mechlin
Lizzie Mechlin
Caroline Mechlin
the Holmans
John Gasbang
William (Billy) Mathews
Romeo Hancock
Peter Roper
Like unto Like (1878)
Grandmother Herndon
Blythe Herndon
Betty Page
Mary Barton
Roger Ellis
Van Tolliver
Bill Tolliver
Mrs. Dexter & Colonel Dexter
Aunt Sally
Widow Effie Oglethorpe
Matilda Roy
Squire Barton
Mr. Shepherd
Clotel; or, the President’s Daughter (Brown, 1853)
Currer Clotel Althesa Mary George Green Horatio Green Georgiana Peck Reverend Peck William
The Bondwoman’s Narrative (Crafts, 1853-61)
Hannah Crafts The Master of Lindendale The Mistress Aunt Hetty & Uncle Siah Mrs. Bry Lizzy Mr. Trappe Mrs. Wright Mrs. Henry Charlotte & William
Our Nig (Harriet E Wilson, 1859)
Mag Smith Frado (Nig) John Bellmont Mary Jane Jack James Aunt Abbie (Nab) Susan & Charlie
Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted (Harper, 1892)
Eugene Leroy
Marie Leroy
Harry Leroy
Gracie Leroy
Miss Delany
Alfred Lorraine
Dr. Latimer
Dr. Gresham
Robert Johnson
Tom Anderson
Aunt Linda
Aunt Katie
Mrs. Johnson
Contending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South (Hopkins, 1898)
the 1st Generation Montfort’s
Charles Montfort
Mrs. Grace Montfort
Charles Montfort, Jr
Jesse Montfort
Anson Pollock
Mr. Whitfield:
Ma Smith
Will Smith
Dora Smith
Mrs. Ophelia Davis & Mrs. Sarah Ann White
John Pollock Langley
Sappho Clark (Mabelle Beaubean)
Madam Frances (Aunt Sally)
Dr. Arthur Lewis
Dr. Abraham Peters
Monsieur Lewis
The Garies and Their Friends (Frank Webb, 1857)
Clarence Garie Emily Garie Clarence Garie, Jr. Emily Garie (daughter) Esther Ellis Caddy Ellis Charlie Ellis Mr. Walters Kinch Mrs Bird Slippery George Stevens McCloskey
“The Two Offers” (Harper, 1859)
Laura Lagrange
Janette Alston
Quicksand (Larsen, 1928)
Helga Crane Karen Nilssen Dr. Anderson James Vayle Uncle Peter Mrs. Hayes-Rore Anne Grey Aunt Katrina Dahl & Uncle Poul Dahl Axel Olsen Rev Pleasant Green
The Autobiography of the Ex-Colored Man (Johnson, 1912)
The narrator The narrator’s mother The narrator’s father Red Shiny Brown-eyed girl The porter The widow The millionaire The doctor The Jewish man, the professor, the Texan, the old soldier The singer/girl
Imperium in Imperio (Griggs, 1898)
Belton Peidmont Bernard Belgrave Viola Antoinette Dr. Zakeland Berl Trout
A Hazard of New Fortunes (Howells, 1890)
Basil March Isabel March Fulkerson Colonel Woodburn Miss Woodburn Berthold Lindau Mr. Jacob Dryfoos Conrad Dryfoos Mrs. Elizabeth Dryfoos Christine Dryfoos Mela Dryfoos Mrs. Mandel Angus Beaton Alma Leighton Margaret Vance
Chita: A Memory of Lost Island (1888)
Chita Dr. Julien La Brierre Feliu Viosca Carmen Viosca Laroussel Captain Harris Captain Abraham Smith Mr. Edwards
The House of Seven Gables (Hawthorne, 1851)
Hepzibah Pyncheon Clifford Pyncheon Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon Holgrave Phoebe Pyncheon Colonel Pyncheon Matthew Maule Matthew Maule Alice Pyncheon Gervayse Pyncheon Uncle Venner Old Jaffrey Pyncheon Thomas Maule Judge Pyncheon’s son
The Day of the Locusts (Nathaniel West, 1939)
Tod Hackett Homer Simpson Faye Greener Harry Greener Earle Shoop Miguel Honest Abe Kusich Claude Estee Joan Schwartzen Audrey Jenning Maybelle Loomis Adore Loomis Mary Dove Mrs. Johnson
Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck, 1939)
Tom Joad Ma Joad Pa Joad Jim Casy Rose of Sharon Grampa Joad Granma Joad Al Joad . Ivy and Sairy Wilson Connie Noah Joad Uncle John Ruthie Joad Winfield Joad Floyd Knowles Muley Graves Agnes Wainwright
“A New England Nun” (Freeman, 1891)
Louisa Ellis
Joe Dagget
Lily Dyer
“Under the Lion’s Paw” (Hamlin Garland, 1893)
Jim Council
Mrs. Council
Tim & Nettie Haskin
Jim Butler