Magnetism Flashcards
Name red 3 metallic elements which show strong magnetic properties
What are the ends of a magnet called?
What are like poles and unlike poles
Like Poles: N/ N
Unlike Poles N/S
What do like poles and unlike poles do?
Like poles repel and unlike poles attract
What happens if you cut a magnet in half?
Each half of the magnet will have its own North and South Pole.
Is the relationship between the distance from the magnet and the strength of the magnetic force?
The further magnets are apart the weaker the magnets become
What is a magnetic field?
A magnetic field is the region or area around a magnet.
On a magnetic line of force, arrows always point from:
North Pole to its south pole
When an electric current passes through a copper wire it generates a what around the wire?
A magnetic field
Lines of force on diagrams show ?
Direction and strength
The stronger the magnetic field the ______ together the lines of for are. The lines of force are further apart where the field is ________.
What is an electromagnet?
An electromagnet is a magnet whose magnetism can be switched on and off by switching it on and off. It is charged by an electric current.
What material are used for A the coil and B the core?
A copper
B iron
Is an electromagnet temporary or permanent magnet explain your answer?
Temporary because you can switch it on and off
What will make an electromagnet stronger?
More electricity and current.