Magnetic Properties of Materials Flashcards
What are the two ways in which all materials respond to magnetic fields?
Diamagnetism and paramagnetism
What direction compared to the field does the diamagnetic response act?
From high to low field
What direction compared to the field does the paramagnetic response act?
From low field to high field.
What type of extreme magnetic response do superconductors exhibit?
What is a typical paramagnet comprised of?
Atoms with net magnetic moments.
How do paramagnetism respond to applied field and no field?
At no field, thermal fluctuations cause random orientation of mag moments.
When field is applied, moments align.
What happens to mag moments in a ferromagnetic material?
They spontaneously align with no applied field.
In vector calculus, what does curl represent
The flow of a field.
In vector calculus, what does divergence represent?
A scalar amount of change in density through a closed surface
For an incompressible fluid (water) the net flux through a closed surface is 0 meaning div = 0
State Lorentz Force Law
(F) = q(E) + q((v)x(B))
Used brackets for vector bold.
State Maxwell 1 (Gauss Law for E) in words.
The divergence of an electric field is relayted to the charge density ρ at that point.
Which forms of Maxwell 1 do we use for microscopic and macroscopic charges?
Microscopic: div form as true for each point in. Space.
Macroscopic: integral form as uses charge enclosed but is only true in vacuum.
State Coulomb’s Law.
Check L1 S10
State Maxwell 2 (Gauss Law for B) in words.
The magnetic field I’d divergence-less.
Therefore magnetic field lines must be closed loops.
Which form of Maxwell 2 do we use for micro and macroscopic subjects?
Micro: div
Macro: Integral.
Neither is massively useful.
State Maxwell 3 (Faraday’s Law of Induction) in words.
A changing magnetic field gives rise to an electric field.
Which form of Maxwell 3 do we use for micro and macro subjects.
Micro: curl form
Macro: Integral form (emf in closed loop = rate of change of flux through loop)
How does Maxwell 4 differ from Ampere’s Law?
In the curl equation, Maxwell adds a time dependency so that it can be applied to a changin field.
State the equation Ampere’s law.
Check L1 S13
It is good for symmetric problems.
State the Biotech-Savart Law and what situations it is useful for.
Check L1 S13
Useful for non-symmetric problems
Use both Ampere’s Law and the Biot-Savart Law to derive an expression for the field around a current carrying wire.
Check L1 S14-17
Sketch the magnetic field around a bar magnet.
Check L1 S18
Sketch the magnetic field around a current loop and the direction of the magnetic moment.
Check L1 S18
Give the base equation for magnetic moment.
(m) = IA
State the equation for energy of a magnetic dipole.
E = -(m).(B)
Sketch how energy varies with angle between magnetic moment and B field.
Check L1 S19
Define magnetisation
M is the volume density of permanent or induced magnetic dipole moments in a material.
Give a formula and unit for magnetisation from dipole moment.
(M) = n(m)
Unit is Am^-1
Relate B and M.
B = µ(0)M
What is H field?
A measure of magnetic field strength (same units as M Am^-1).
Names for H
Magnetic field intensity
Magnetic field strength
Magnetic field
Magnetising field.
Names for B
Magnetic flux density
Magnetic induction
Magnetic field
Relate B and H in a vacuum.
B(0) = µ(0)H in vacuum
Relate B and H in a material.
B = B(0) + B(induced)
B = B(0) + µ(0)M
Local field = applied field + material response
Define magnetic susceptibility χ
A dimensionless proportionality constant that indicates the degree of magnetisation of a material in response to an applied magnetic field.
Give equations for χ
M = χH
µ(0)M = χ B(0)
χ ≈ 10^-7 for non magnetic materials
Define permeability, µ(r)
Measure of ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself.
Derive an expression linking B and H using permeability.
Check L1 S25
What happens to the energy of a diamagnetic material when placed in a magnetic field?
It’s energy increases meaning the material wants to move from high to low field.
What value of χ do superconductors exhibit?
Meaning magnetic field inside material is zero.
State the Langevin theory of diamagnetism.
Check L2 S5
Why is χ<0
From Lenz’s Law the direction of motion of electrons in orbitals is such that the magnetic moment opposes the applied field.
Do all materials exhibit diamagnetism>
Yes. The external field causes electrons to move in orbits.
Though all materials exhibit diamagnetism, it is weak and if there is any other magnetic mechanism present diamagnetism will not be the dominant effect.
Is χ dependent on T?
No direct dependence on T in equation. is weakly dependent on T, but for all practical purposes χ is independent of T.
How can we make a material with no susceptibility.
Mix diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials to produce a material with χ = 0
Estimate the magnetic susceptibility of diamond (a = 3.57 Angstroms)
Check L2 S8
State an expression for the energy of a shell from the principle quantum number.
Check L2 S13
State an expression for the magnitude of orbital angular momentum from quantum numbers..
Check L2 S14
What values does the magnetic quantum number take?
-l < m(l) < l
State an expression for the component of angular momentum along a specified direction in an atom.
L(z) = m(l) h(bar)
Derive an expression for the magnetic moment of an electron in an atom.
Check L2 S17
What is µ(B)?
The Bohr Magneton, µ(B) is the elemental unit of orbital angular moment in an atom.
State an expression for the Bohr Magneton
Check L2 S19
Give an expression for the projected magnetic moment on the z-axis.
Check L2 S19
State an expression for the energy change when an applied magnetic field interacts with an orbital magnetic moment.
Check L2 S19
Why is projected magnetic moment usually shortened to magnetic moment when condisdering orbital magnetic moment
The energy is found with the dot product and if B(0) is in the z direction then only need m(z)
What is the Zeeman effect?
In an external magnetic field the 3p orbitals are split in energy while the s-orbital is unchanged. This results in the Zeeman splitting in atomic spectra.
Sketch the Zeeman effect.
Check L2 S21
Which two quantum numbers are associated with the spin of an atom?
s and m(s)
What is the g-factor for orbital and spin angular momentum>?
Orbital g=1
Spin g=2
State an equation for the magnetic moment using spin.
Check L2 S23
Why do we want to find the net angular momentum of a multi electron atom (sum of orbital and spin contributions)?
This gives us its total magnetic moment,
What doe the Pauli exclusion principle give us in terms of electronic configuration of an atom?
The n and l quantum numbers.
What do Hund’s Rules give us in terms of angular momentum configuration?
The m(l) and m(s) numbers for each electron.
How do we find L and S for an atom?
L = Σm(l)
S = Σm(s)
We can combine L and S to get what?
The total angular momentum of the atom J.
State Hund’s rules.
Maximise S
Maximise L
If the shell is less than half full J = |L-S| otherwise J = |L+S|
Use Hund’s rules to find the total angular momentum for Ce3+, Ho3+, V3+ and Mn3+.
Check L3 S4
State an expression for magnitude of magnetic moment using J and g-factor.
Check L3 S7
Calculate their magnetic moment for Ce3+, Ho3+, V3+ and Mn3+.
Check L3 S11
When does the calculation of magnetic moment from J work and not?
If J = 0, |m| cannot be found.
f-shell atoms |m| can be calculated closely to the expt value from J.
D-shell atoms |m| cannot be found closely to expt value using J.
Why doesn’t the measured magnetic moment agree with the theoretical calculated from J for atoms with outer electrons in the 3d orbital?
The orbital angular momentum does not contribute to the observed magnetic moment.
The effect of crystalline environment is that the electric field couples the orbital motion strongly to the lattice - hence it can’t reorientation with an applied field.
This is the orbital angular momentum being quenched.
The only response to an applied magnetic field is by spin angular momentum so we can therefore do magnetic moment from spin.
Calciulate the magnetic moment for V3+ and Mn3+ using only spin and compare to expt values.
Check L3 S13
What does a paramagnetic material do when placed in a magnetic field?
It moves to decrease its energy. It will move to a region of higher magnetic field.
What happens to dipoles in a paramagnetic material when in a magnetic field?
They align with the applied field so the local field is greater than the applied field.
Typical value for χ for paramagnetism.
χ = 10^-5
How does paramagnetic χ vary in insulators with temperature.
Insulators have localised moments and χ is strongly T dependent. χ decreases strongly with increased T.