Magleby 7 Flashcards
Local and judicial elections in most states are _____, which means that no political affiliation is indicated
In states wiht an _____, any voter, regardless of party, can participate in the primary of whichever party he or she chooses
Open primary
What kind of primary permitted voters to vote for a candidate of one party for one office and for a candidate from another party for another office
Blanket primary
During the 1830’s and 1840’s a new system was instituted in which delegates chosen directly by party members in towns and cities were assigned the task of selecting party candidates. They debated and adopted a platform, and built party spirit by celebrating noisily. This system is called a
Party convention
A parliamentary system usually has a head of state and a
Prime minister
Candidates are selected by their parties largely because of
Personal appeal
Within _____ of the ratification of the Constitution, political parties had emerged in America
When Andrew Jackson lost the election of 1824 he responded by
Engaging in Democratic party building activities
The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1913, marked the first time that the US Senators were
Popularly elected
The central issue on which the Republicans and Democrats disagreed in the New Deal era was the role the government should play in
The supreme authority in both major parties is
National party convention
Members of congressional majority party always control
The chairships of all standing committees
Required by some states when one registers to vote, _____ is the act of declaring party affiliation
Party registration
Party registration is accomplished at the
State level
Party members who follow a particular candidate, and who see the party as the means to place their candidate in power, are termed
Candidate activists
When people abandon political parties to become Independents, it is called
With the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign reform Act in effect
Soft money contributions to national committees are banned
In 2002 all parties combined raised how much soft money?
500 million
The restriction of soft money led to a surge of what kind of contributions?
Television, radio, the Internet, and telephones have
Strengthen the role of candidates and lessened the role of parties
Reform in the Democratic Party included the institution of a system of
An election system in which the candidate with the most votes wins is called
Winner Take All
An electoral district in which voters choose one representative or official is known as
A single member district
All states EXCEPT __ and __ award all of their electoral college votes to the winner of the popular vote in their states
Maine, Nebraska
On how many elections has the winner of the popular vote NOT become president?
Figure 9-1 in your book demonstrates
A large majority of house seats are not competitive
In all of the midterm elections between 1934 and 1998
The party controlling the White House lost seats in the House of Reps
In which midterm elections did the presidents party gain seats?
1998, 2002
According to your text, the first step for would-be challengers in House elections is to
Collect financial contributions
The reelection rate of House incumbents
Is typically over 80%
Presidential primaries, particularly Republican primaries, have two main features- the actual voting for delegates pledged to a candidate and
A “beauty contest”
When states move their primary dates up in the calendar it is called
Front loading
The method of choosing delegates used by the state of Iowa is a
The “America’s Changing Face” box in this chapter shows that since 1968, delegates to the Democratic national Convention
Have included a higher percentage of women
Presidential candidates are officially nominated by
National party conventions
To be included in presidential debates, candidates must have an average of __% or higher in the five major polls identified by the Commission on Presidential Debates
Money spent on issue advocacy ads is
According to congressional scholar Gary Jacobson, the coattail effect is
“Erratic and usually modest”
In the 2010 election
Democrats lost seats in both the House and Senate
Ads that typically attack a candidate, but allow the sponsor to avoid disclosure and contribution limitations because the ads do not use electioneering language, such as “vote for” or “vote against’ a specific candidate, are classified as
Issue advocacy
Money spent by individuals or groups NOT associated with candidates to elect or defeat candidates for office is known as
Independent expenditures
An alternate new primary system that might bring more coherence to the process and encourage more emphasis on issues of regional concern is
Regional primaries
Presidential candidates are officially nominated by
National party conventions
Money spent on issue advocacy ads is
Exclusive party systems
Control all policy making
Which of the following is not an outcome of interest aggregation?
The loss in authority of interest groups
Which of the following is NOT a trend in party aggregation?
The increase of ideology in party
Political parties are important interest aggregators in
Both democratic and non democratic systems
Interest aggregation in authoritarian party systems is constrained by all of the following EXCEPT
None of the above
All of the following statements concerning elections are true EXCEPT
Elections guarantee a democratic government
All of the following are true about “first past the post” systems EXCEPT
It is most often used in Europe
Conflictual party systems can lead to all of the following except
Uncontested policy
Institutions that aggregate interests include all of the following EXCEPT
Media sources
In multiparty systems, elections generally yield
Coalition governments
In authoritarian systems, interest aggregation
Take place within the ranks of the party