The economy in aggregate – the sum of all of the individual markets that make up the economy.
macroeconomic objectives
The four aims of government when managing the macroeconomy are usually:
- Strong and sustained economic growth (higher GDP)
- low unemployment,
- low and stable inflation,
- satisfactory trade position.
The value of all of the output (= income) generated in the domestic economy over a given time period.
The income flowing to the residents of an economy over a given period. GDP + net property income from abroad.
economic growth
The increase in GDP over a given time period.
The sustained increase in the general price level of an economy. The reduction in the purchasing power of money.
Unemployment consists of all those of a working age who are actively seeking work at going wage rates but do not have a job.
current account of Balance of payment
A record of the international income and expenditure for economic agents in an economy over a given period of time.
Entries into the current account relating to trade in goods.
primary income
Interest, profit and dividends generated by investments abroad.
secondary income
International transfers, such as remittances made by migrant workers.
Entries into the current account relating to trade in services and primary and secondary income.
Real GDP
The value of GDP adjusted to remove the effects of inflation. Real GDP is measured ‘at constant prices.’ An increase in real GDP represents an increase in the volume of output generated in the economy.
nominal GDP
The value of GDP without adjustment for inflation. Nominal GDP is measured ‘at current prices.’ An increase in nominal GDP could be cause either by an increase in the volume of output or by inflation.
real GDP/capita
Real GDP divided by population.
An index represents all values relative to a base, which is given the value 100. Index numbers have no units. Index number = (Value/base value) x 100.
weighted index
A composite index adjusted to take account of the relative importance of its components. For example, a price index such as the RPI may be constructed from the prices of many products and weights attached to each product to reflect the proportion of consumer expenditure accounted for by the product.§