Maciavelli Flashcards
The man Machiavelli, Niccolo Bernado Machiavelli was born in the year
Florence in Italy
His father Bernador was a doctor of
He was a graduate of the University of
He read ___, studied ___ and was an expert in __.
History politics and literature
After the reign of the Medici came to an end in
Matteo Savonarola came into,
in 1498, at the age of 29 Machiavelli was invited to participate in the government as a.
Same year a republic was established in
He referred to Savonarola as an β
unarmed prophet.β
He was later made minister of.
his target was to explain how politics was being played in the.
Real π
The time he wrote
Italy at the time of his writing suffered so much defeat and invasion from foreign powers such as: Germany, France and Spain. The defeat of Italy in the hands of these foreign powers according to Machiavelli was as a result of the division and disunity of Italy. Italy at that time was divided into five principalities. We have: The Naples, the Milan, Venice, Florence and the Papal State.
Machiavelli himself was referred to as Ser Hihilo meaning Mr. Nothing. His experience, which formed the core of the,
He believes that the well-being of the state is the responsibility of the ruler and should be achieved by any means possible, even by
deceptions, treacheries, and intrigues. The rulerβs personal morality is much less important than the good of the state for he will be judged by the results of his reign rather than the means he used. In short, a prudent ruler cannot and must not honor his words.
He argues that an effective leader can harness the weaker traits of humanity in his people to great effect, in the same way that a sheepdog can?
can manipulate a herd of sheep.
By analyzing politics using military theory, he concludes that the essence of most political life is ?.
As he puts in The Prince, β
In the actions of all men, especially princes, where there is no recourse to justice, the end is all that counts. A prince should only be concerned with conquering or maintaining a state, for the means will always be judged to be honorable and praiseworthy by each and every person, because the masses always follow appearances and the outcomes of affairs, and the world is nothing than the masses.β He strongly emphasizes that βA prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.β
3) Machiavelli was the most influential political philosopher of the.
The most successful government is a ββ.
He is a scholar of ? and?.
Nation and nationalism
He is the father of
Political realism
He believed man is
Man is by nature selfish, frickle minded ,greedy and coward.
He believes man forgets
- Man forgets loss of father but not of patrimony
Wise prince will not touch the
property or women of his citizens
He said the end
Justifies the means
He said a prince Cannot
Prince cannot sacrifice national interest at any cost .
Example of a Machiavellian action
Example - even if a prince hates church, he should still donate and praise it openly as a ruler if it strengthens his national unity.
The Prince is a playbook for
And so Machiavelli always struck me as a bureaucrat
whose life ambition was to become a really important bureaucrat
Machiavelli represents the triumph of? over ethics