MACHINERY Flashcards
action of a tillage tool in executing a specific form of soil manipulation
Tillage action
desired soil condition produced by one or more tillage operations
tillage objective
soil physical conditions which can be produced by tillage and is necessary based on
utilitarian and/or economic considerations
tillage requirement
tillage of an entire area as contrasted to a partial tillage as in bands or strips
broadcast tillage
overall tillage
primary tillage operation which manipulates soil to a greater depth than 300 mm
deep tillage
tillage action and transport operations utilized to loosen, load, carry, and unload soil
tillage operation which move soil to create desired soil configurations
land forming
tillage operation which move soil to establish a desired soil elevation and slope
land grading
tillage operation that cuts and moves small layers of soil to provide smooth, refined surface
land planing
tillage operation which are oriented in specific paths or directions with respect to the sun,
prevailing winds, previous tillage actions, or field base lines
oriented tillage
tillage operation employing power-driven rotary action to cut, break up, and mix soil
rotary tillage
shallow tillage operation performed to promote growth of crop plants by creating a soil
condition conducive to aeration, infiltration, and moisture conservation or to pest control
soil cultivation
mechanical manipulation of soil for any desired purpose
tillage, which constitutes the initial major soil-working operation, normally designed to
reduce soil strength, cover plant materials, and rearrange aggregates
primary tillage
tillage, following primary tillage, which are designed to control weed growth and to create
specific soil surface configurations before seeding
secondary tillage
vertical distance from the initial soil surface to a specified point of penetration of the tool
tillage depth
tool depth
system that maintains a minimum of 30% residue cover on the soil surface after planting or
maintains at least 1,100 kg/ha of flat small grain residue equivalent on the soil surface during
the critical erosion period (see also item 2.3.4
conservation tillage
system traditionally performed in preparing a seedbed for a given crop and grown in a given
geographical area
conventional tillage
system wherein least soil manipulation is performed
minimum tillage
system in which tillage of the total soil surface is performed in such a way that plant residue
is specifically left on or near the soil surface (see also item 2.3.1)
mulch tillage
idealized system which permits a maximized net return for a given crop under given
optimum tillage
subsoiling under the plant row prior to planting usually intended for subsurface drainage
precision tillage
system in which the primary tillage operation is performed in conjunction with special
planting procedures in order to reduce or eliminate secondary tillage operations
reduced tillage
system in which a large number of depressions or small reservoirs are formed to hold rain or
sprinkler applied water
reservoir tillage
system in which the ridges are formed during cultivation or after harvest and maintained from
year to year in the same location
ridge tillage
system in which only isolated bands of soil is tilled
strip tillage
tillage which forms a ridge and furrow soil configuration
tillage to partially bury and thereby prevent movement of materials such as plant residues or
artificial mulches
pushing or rolling of soil by a steeply inclined blade
tillage in which a narrow curved shank is used
chisel plowing
operations simultaneously utilizing two or more different types of tillage tools or implements
(subsoil-lister, lister-planter, or plow-planter combinations) to simplify, control, or reduce the
number of trips over a field
combined tillage operations
operation which pulverizes, smoothens, and makes the soil ready for planting
operation which mix or disperse foreign materials, such as pesticides, fertilizers or plant
residues into the soil
operation wherein a lister is used in a manner that forms a furrow midway between two
previous rows of plants
operation that cuts and throws the soil away from the base of plants
off barring
operation which is performed to cut the soil with partial or complete soil inversion
moldboard plowing
operation that cut, crush, anchor or otherwise handle residues in conjunction with soil
residue processing
deep tillage, below 350 mm for the purpose of loosening soil for root growth and/or water
movement (see item 2.4.4)
operation in which a vertical band of mulching material is injected into the slit immediately
behind a tillage tool shank
vertical mulching
implement performing functions simultaneously that of initial cutting, breaking and
pulverizing the soil
general-purpose tillage implement
implement which works under the combined principles of the regular disc plow and harrow
implement used for broadcast or strip tillage and is also used as chemical incorporator and as
row crop cultivator
rotary tiller
rotary plow
implement which consists of two horizontal power driven spiral flanged shafts which rotate
spiral plow
implement used for cutting, displacing and/or shattering the soil to reduce soil strength and to
bury or mix plant materials, pesticides, and fertilizers in the tillage layer
primary tillage implement
implement which shatters the soil without complete burial or mixing of surface materials
chisel plow
implement with individually mounted concave disc blades which cut, partially or completely
invert a layer of soil to bury surface material, and pulverize the soil
disc plow
implement which cuts, partially or completely inverts a layer of soil to bury surface materials,
and pulverizes the soil
moldboard plow
turns the furrow slice to the right of the plow
right-hand plow
turns the furrow slice to the left of the plow
left-hand plow
eliminates back and dead furrows and is used for surface irrigation
two-way plow
implement for intermittent tillage at depths sufficient to shatter compacted subsurface layers
implement used for tilling the soil to a shallower depth than primary tillage implements,
provide additional pulverization, mix pesticides and fertilizers into the soil, level and firm the
soil, close air pockets, and eradicate weeds
secondary tillage implement
implement used for breaking clods after initial plowing, for subsequent operations prior to
transplanting and for puddling and leveling
NOTE It consists of a row of teeth that works like a rake.
comb-tooth harrow
implement used to pulverize the soil to attain a better soil tilth for the seed germination and
disc harrow
consists of two gangs of discs, placed end-to-end at an angle, which throw the soil in opposite
single-action disc harrow
tandem disc harrow
consists of two or more gangs, in which a set of two gangs follows behind the front gangs and
is arranged in such a way that the discs on the front gangs throw the soil in one direction
(usually outward) and the discs on the rear gangs throw the soil in the opposite directions
double-action disc harrow
consists of two gangs wherein one gang is located behind the other at an angle and the
harrow is operated in an offset position in relation to the tractor
offset disc harrow
implement for seedbed preparation, weed eradication, or fallow cultivation subsequent to
some form of primary tillage
field cultivator
implement for crushing soil clods and compacting the soil
implement used for seedbed preparation which crushes soil clods and smooths and firms the
soil surface
implement for dislodging small weeds and grasses and for breaking soil crust and is used for
fast, shallow cultivation before or soon after crop plants emerge
rotary hoe
implement wherein the frame and cultivating tools are designed to adequately pass through
standing crop rows without crop damage
row crop cultivator
implement consisting of long spikes attached rigidly to cross bars and staggered to attain
maximum stirring and raking of soil
spike-tooth harrow
implement consisting of long, flat and curved teeth made of spring steel
spring-tooth harrow