Machinery Flashcards
What must be installed on the exterior end of fuel tank vent pipes?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.450(e)
Removable 30x30 corrosion resistant flame screen.
What type of fuel strainers must be installed in fuel systems?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(6)
Marine type, leak free, opening at the top for cleaning, steel fuel bowl or approved material.
When /where should shut-off valves be installed on fuel lines?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(4)
When you have a fuel tank; shutoff valves are required to stop flow, one at the fuel source (tank) and one at the engine
What are the regulations for the use of flexible hoses for a fuel system?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(5) and 182.720
Hose must meet SAE J1945 standards and not longer than 30 inches.
Where should fuel tank vents terminate? What if this is near a living area?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.450(d)
On the hull exterior as high above the waterline as practical. Have them move the vent end to a suitable distance from the berthing.
How would you test a new construction independent fuel tank?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.440( c )
Hydrostatically tested to 5 psi. You can use an 11.5 feet standpipe attached to the top of the tank filled with water.
What must be installed on plastic or glass fuel filters?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(6)
steel or fireproof bowl or flame shield.
What materials are authorized for use in fuel piping/hoses?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(a)
Annealed tubing of copper, nickel-copper, or copper-nickel having a minimum wall thickness of 0.9 millimeters (0.035 inch) except that:
(i) Diesel fuel piping of other materials, such as seamless steel pipe or tubing, which provide equivalent safety may be used;
(ii) Diesel fuel piping of aluminum is acceptable on aluminum hull vessels provided it is a minimum of Schedule 80 wall thickness.. Where flexible nonmetallic hose is permitted for use in piping systems by this section, it must meet SAE J-1942 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 175.600) or be specifically approved by the Commandant.
Where should cut-off valves be located in fuel lines?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(4)
One at the tank connection and one at the engine end of the fuel line to stop fuel flow when servicing accessories.
When can fuel tank vents be terminated inside living quarters?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.450(d)
Never. The discharge ends of fuel tank vent pipes must terminate on the hull exterior as high above the waterline as practicable and remote from any hull openings, or they must terminate in U-bends as high above the weather deck as practicable and as far as practicable from openings into any enclosed spaces.
What type of fuel strainer is required in the system?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.455(b)(6)
A metal marine type strainer, type of opening on top for cleaning, highly resistant to shattering due to mechanical impact and resistant to failure due to thermal shock. Fuel filters fitted with bowls of other than steel. The Commandant must approve construction.
What manufactures marking may be marked or stamped on fuel or hydraulic hoses in order to expedite CG inspections? What if this marking is not on the hose?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.720(e)(v(C)
USCG Type A1, A2, B1, or B2 flexible hose may be accepted in accordance with 33 CFR part 183, subpart J or they can be marked with a SAE J1942 approval numbers that can be cross referenced with the SAE listing. If not marked have owner provide documentation showing hose is approved for its use.
Vessels equipped with a separate raw water pump for exhaust cooling must have?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.425(b)(5)
When the exhaust cooling water system is separate from the engine cooling water system, a suitable warning device, visual or audible, must be installed at the operating station to indicate any reduction in normal water flow in the exhaust cooling system.
What should you be looking for when examining engine exhaust?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.425
That its water-cooled beginning as close to the exhaust manifold as possible. Vertical dry exhaust piping meets 46 CFR 177.405 & 970. Horizontal dry exhaust piping is water cooled, built of corrosion resistant material and penetrations, designed to prevent water from back flowing down thru, piping does not pass thru living or berthing spaces.
Can an air-cooled diesel engine be installed below decks?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.420(e)
No. A propulsion or auxiliary diesel engine may be air cooled or employ an air cooled jacket water radiator when:
(1) Installed on an open deck and sufficient ventilation for machinery cooling is available;
(2) Installed in an enclosed or partially enclosed space for which ventilation for machinery cooling is provided, which complies with the requirement of § 182.465(b), and other necessary safeguards are taken so as not to endanger the vessel; or
(3) Installed on a vessel of not more than 19.8 meters (65 feet) in length carrying not more than 12 passengers, in compliance with the requirements of ABYC Project P-4.
When is the piping on a “T-Boat” required to meet subchapter F standards? (Old T?)
Ref: 46 CFR 183.210, 46 CFR 182.40-5(b)
Auxiliary boiler and steam piping. A vessel regulated by old “T” and is greater than 65’, a ferry or carriers more than 49 pax.
What vessels can use rigid non-metallic piping for vital systems?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.40-5(b)
A vessel regulated by old “T” and is less than 65’, is not a ferry or has more than 49 pax can have non-metallic bilge; ballast and machinery connected piping system.
When are sea valves required to be fitted on a T-boat?
On any thru hull fitting located below the water line up to 6 inches above the deepest waterline
What propulsion gauges are required in the pilothouse? (Old T?)
Ref: 46 CFR 182.15-5
RPM (cooling water discharge temp and lube oil pressure)
T-Boats are required to have how many and what type of bilge pumps?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.520(a) or 46 CFR 182.25-10(a)
over 65: 2 fixed power pumps, with more than 49 pax or a ferry: 1 fixed with a portable, under 65: 1fixed power and portable hand pump, under 26ft: 1 portable hand pump.
What is the minimum diameter of bilge piping?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.510(b)
1 inch for vsl under 65ft and 1.5 inches over 65ft.
What is the pumping capacity of a power bilge pump?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.520(a)
vsls over 65ft 50GPM, vsl under w/ greater than 49 pax 65ft 25GPM, the rest 10GPM
Is the bilge pump allowed to be directly connected to the battery?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.510( c )
When do you need a reach rod on a bilge system?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.510(d)
On a bilge line piercing the collision bulk head fwd side of that bulk head. The reach rod should come up to the weather deck.
When may the space forward of the collision bulkhead not be served by a bilge suction line?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.510(a)
When arrangement of the vessel allows for a hand pump to be utilized to dewater the space forward of the collision bulkhead.
How would you examine the sea valve?
Ref: 46 CFR 176.610 and MSM vol II
Vessel must be out of the water, remove the valve and inspect all parts of the valve for wear and proper operation. Ensuring it seals completely.
How do you determine when a water lubricated shaft bearing or rudder bearing requires replacement?
Ref: MSM vol II, ch 3, D
Utilize manufacture’s recommendation or when 50% wear is detectable.
When should an auxiliary steering apparatus be fitted?
Ref: 46 CFR 182.620( c )
When the vessel does not have independent duplicate means of steering the vessel. Rudder and tiller is main steering unit, single screw vessels.