Machiavelli Flashcards
what is the art of politics
- leader must be able to implement new rules and regulations for consolidation purposes
- have own abilities to overcome challenges as reformers have enemies from old elites; there will be lukewarm defense from elites benefiting to the new system (enemies either way)
- “they remain powerful & secure, honoured & happy”
- emulate cesare borgia (great courage and ambition, model of leadership per machiavelli)
maintain friendship with elites
what is their advice to leaders
- commit all cruelties at once & should not be recurring (kill in one go)
- benefits should be granted little by little to be better enjoyed
- live with subjects so he would not be able to lose power
- easier to be elected by people than to be selected by nobility bec they are difficult to be satisfied (corruption)
- “necessary for a prince to learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge and not use it, accd to the necessity of the case”
- prince must be prudent to avoid scandals which can make him lose the state
- prince must avoid being hated and liberality will lead to that condition (be kuripot=disgrace; than greedy=disgrace & hatred)
- one should be both feared and loved; if not possible, it is better to be feared than loved, if one of the two must be wanting (love is held by obligation w/c is easily broken; fear is by punishment) but prince should not be hated by not interfering with private property nor women
- taking of life must be justified; easier for men to forget this than to mess with one’s property
- a leader should be able to rule with astuteness than good faith although laudable if leaders act on good faith
what are the methods of fighting as advice to leaders
(needs both)
never let thoughts stray from exercise of war; practice thoughts in peace more than war (always on war/survival mode) thru action=disciplined men, exercising, hunting, therefore accustomed to hardships; and study=nature of land, valleys, plains (geography)
when to act as fox=recognize traps; lion=frieghten wolves; necessary for a leader to disguise his traits well (related to alexander VI)
not necessary for a prince to be merciful, faithful, sincere, humane, and religious but necessary to seem to have them
they should not know anything against you