Macbeth Theme- Reality And Appearances Flashcards
What does the phrase ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ imply in the context of Macbeth?
It suggests that appearances can be deceptive.
How does Lady Macbeth advise Macbeth to behave in order to hide his intentions?
She tells him to ‘look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t’.
What literary figure does the serpent in Lady Macbeth’s advice evoke?
It links her to Satan who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
What does Macbeth recognize he needs to hide his actions?
A ‘False face’ to conceal his murderous intentions.
What happens to Macbeth when he sees Banquo’s ghost?
His face is ‘the very painting’ of his fear, betraying his true feelings.
How does Lady Macbeth initially handle the discovery of Duncan’s death?
She pretends to faint with shock.
What ultimately causes Lady Macbeth’s façade to crumble?
Her overwhelming guilt leads her to sleepwalking.
What does the Witches’ chant ‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair’ suggest?
It implies that things that appear good are actually evil.
How do the Witches manipulate Macbeth’s perception of reality?
They tell him that ‘none of woman born’ will harm him, creating a false sense of security.
What does the paradoxical statement ‘When the battle’s lost and won’ signify?
It indicates that every victory has a corresponding loss, creating a sense of foreboding.
What is the effect of paradoxes in Macbeth’s dialogue?
They create uncertainty and illustrate that reality and appearances can be misleading.
What mistake does Duncan make regarding trust in appearances?
He trusts Macbeth and dies, despite previously trusting the disloyal Thane of Cawdor.
What does Duncan mean when he says, ‘There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face’?
He believes there is no way to discern a person’s true nature from their appearance.
What does Macbeth’s trust in the Witches’ prophecies lead to?
It leads to his downfall.
How does Malcolm react to the idea that Duncan was murdered by his servants?
He is skeptical and suspects one of the thanes.
What does Malcolm mean by ‘To show an unfelt sorrow is an office / Which the false man does easy’?
He suggests that false men can easily feign sorrow.
What does Malcolm’s awareness of deception allow him to do?
It prompts him to flee, likely saving his life.