Macbeth plot Flashcards
What happens in Act 1?
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth decide to kill Duncan. He is tempted by a prophecy, his wife, and opportunity, and his own ambition.
What happens in 1.1?
The witches are introduced.
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair”
What happens in 1.2?
Macbeth and Duncan are introduced, and a battle is described.
“Belladonna’s bridegroom”, “Brave Macbeth”
What happens in 1.3?
Witches meet MacBeth and Banquo and tell MacBeth he will be king, though Banquo’s sons will follow him. MacBeth thinks that he may not need to kill Duncan.
“If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me / Without my stir”
What happens in 1.4?
Traitors are executed for treason, and MacBeth enters and finds that the King has chosen Malcom as his successor. He wishes that he could remove the competition without knowing he had done it.
“The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step / On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap”
What happens in 1.5?
Introduction of Lady Macbeth, she gathers her courage and then tells her husband that they must kill Duncan
“fill me from the toe topfull / Of direst cruelty”
“He that’s coming / Must be provided for”
What happens in 1.6?
Duncan comments on the pleasantness of the castle, and Lady Macbeth greets him and sweetly assures that everything is prepared for his visit. The dramatic irony builds tension. Shared lines with Duncan indicate a connection.
“This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air / Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself / Unto our gentle senses”
What happens in 1.7?
Macbeth has been contemplating whether to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth comes to bring him downstairs, and he tells her he has changed his mind, which angers her. She convinces him and they make a plan.
“I am his kinsman and his subject / Strong both against the deed; then as his host / Who should against his murderer shut the door / Not bear the knife myself”
“Was the hope drunk / Wherein you dressed yourself?”
“I am settled and bend up / Each corporal agent to this terrible feat”
What happens in Act 2?
Duncan is killed, and the characters react
What happens in 2.1?
Banquo and Macbeth bump into each other in the courtyard, where it is unusually dark. Shakespeare presents the difference between the honourable Banquo and deceitful Macbeth. Macbeth then sees the imagined dagger.
“There’s husbandry in heaven”
“He hath been in unusual pleasure”, “keep / My bosom franchised” and “allegiance clear” vs “a friend”, and “I think not of them” which are lies
“A dagger of the mind”
What happens in 2.2?
After Duncan’s murder, Macbeth and his wife reunite. She paints the guards faces with blood. They have different responses, as Macbeth is presented as visibly guilty whereas Lady Macbeth seems indifferent. They have many shared lines and lines which do not fit the rhythm to show that they are frantic and thrown-off.
“This is a sorry sight” “A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight”
“this my hand will rather / the multitudinous seas incarnadine”
“a little water clears us of this deed”
“wake Duncan with thy knocking, I would thou couldst”
What happens in 2.3?
The scene begins with the comedic relief of the porter joking with Macbeth about the effects of drinking. He also jokes that he is a porter of hell, which is ironic as the last man to enter the walls never will leave. Everybody in the castle discovers that Duncan has been murdered, however the blame lands on the guards. Malcolm and Donobain agree that they mustn’t trust the others, and leave.
“Ring the alarum bell! Murder and treason!”
“There’s daggers in men’s smiles”
What happens in 2.4?
Ross and an old man discuss the unnatural storm. It is a use of pathetic fallacy, where the strange weather mirrors the strange events; it is as if God is angry. Macduff leaves for Fife.
“I have seen / Hours dreadful and things strange, but this strange night / Hath trifled former knowings”
“’Tis unnatural”
What happens in Act 3?
Macbeth is presented as a poor leader, and his people become increasingly dissatisfied.
What happens in 3.1?
Banquo reflects on the witches words, and his fears that Macbeth may have become King by evil means, however he can rest assured that his sons will be kings. Macbeth joins him and makes casual conversation, inviting him to the nights banquet. He checks that Fleance will ride with Banquo. Banquo leaves, and Macbeth ruminates on his fears that his own descendants will be crownless. He meets the murderers and asks them to kill Banquo subtly.
“I fear thou played’st most foully for’t”
“To be thus is nothing / but to be safely thus”, “Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown / And put a barren sceptre in my gripe”
“It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight, / if it find heaven, must find it out tonight”