Macbeth - Key Quotes Flashcards
Give the key quotes from act 1.1
“Thunder and lightning”
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
What key quotations from act 1.2 give a clear description of Macbeth before he has been in the play?
“Brave Macbeth”, “he deserves that name”, “like valour’s minion”, “bellona’s bride groom”, “noble Macbeth”
Previous thane of Cowdor was a…. and in what act?
“Most disloyal traitor” act 1.2
Act 3.1 - when the audience meets MB for the first time…
“So foul and fair a day”
What were the witches prophecies in act 1.3?
“All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee”
1) ”thane of glamis”
2) ”thane of cowdor”
3) ”that shalt be king hereafter”
Act1.3- “thou shalt get kings…
…Though thou be none”
Act 3.1- “this supernatural soliciting…
…cannot be ill”
How does MB imply he will leave becoming king up to fate in act 3.1?
“Come what come may”, “chance may crown me, without my stir”
Act 1.4 - “there’s no art to…
… find the mind’s construction in the face”
How does MB appear loyal and trustworthy to the king in act 1.4?
“Our duties are to your throne and state” / “doing everything safe towards your love and honour”
Act 5.1 - “my dearest…
…partner of greatness”
In act 1.5 LMB fears MB is…
“Too full o’th milk of human kindness” and is “not without ambition but without the illness intend it”
Imagery of what animal is significant and why in act 1.5
A raven as it foreshadows Duncan’s death
How does LMB want to be stripped of her femininity in act 1.5?
“Unsex me here”/“take my milk for gall”
1.5-“Look like th’innocent…
…flower but be th’serpent under’t”
Act 1.6 - “this castle…
…hath a pleasant seat”
LMB’s contrast of opinion towards her in act 1.6 is shown through…
“Our honoured hostess”/“fair and noble”
How is MB’s tendency to waver conveyed?
“We win proceeded no further in this business” vs “I am settled”
Act 1.7 - “this blow might be…
…the be-all and end-all”
Act 2.1 - why does Banquo state that he cannot sleep?
Due to “cursed thoughts” (nightmares)
2.1 - what do MB and B say about the witches?
B) “they have showed some truth”
MB) “I think not of them” (dramatic irony as they are all he thinks about)
2.1 there is a symbol that is conveys certain techniques, what is it and what are the techniques?
A “dagger” - ambiguous as its literal and metaphorical.