Macbeth Flashcards
I have no _____ to _______ the sides of my ______, but only ______ ________ which ___________ itself’
I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself’
Disorder – overstepping. Not meant to happen, ruining the natural order.
Tyrant – Desperate to be in charge. Just wants the power.
Appearance – Appears brave and valiant but is only concerned with ambition/power
Vaulting, Spur, O’erleaps – Semantic field Horses/horse racing. Image of brave animals, strong.
Context – A03 – James I, founded racetrack Newmarket and horses were his passion.
Fit question – Macbeth being brave
Look like the _______ _______ , but be the _________ under it’
Said by?
Language feature used?
A03 - Context? (the last missing word could refer to…?)
What themes could you use this quote for?
Look like the innocent flower but be the, serpent under it
A03 Serpent – Adam and Eve and Garden of Eden – Imagery of Eve in the garden?
A03 context – Guy Fawkes tried to secretly commit treason (regicide)
Ambition – hide what you really want, go for it.
Power – Wants to be queen. Language, imagery of the snake – control. Sneaky, sly, nasty, attack, vicious, powerful.
Femininity – Women – Nurturing, kind, homemaker. Women performed by men.
Lady Macbeth – fit society’s expectations.
Appearance vs reality
Techniques – Simile/metaphor
______ me here, and fill me, from the ______ to the toe, top-full of direst ______’
Said by?
Unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty’
Subverts the feminine ideal.
Emasculates Macbeth – rejecting feminine qualities.
Devil imagery
Patriarchy in society – A03. Audience confused – different to societal norms. Untrustworthy character.
A02 – direst, superlative. Cannot get more, extreme.
A02 – crown, reflects her need to be queen.
‘______ Macbeth – well he _______ that name’
Said by?
What does this foreshadow?
Ambition – reflected as a good soldier, loyal. Changes.
Order – Meant to be a soldier.
Power – War, powerful, strong.
A02 – brave, reflects early he is willing to do things that others aren’t. Do anything. Foreshadowing.
How others view Macbeth and if he changes throughout the play?
____ is ______ and ______ is _______ -
Said by who?
What technique?
What themes?
Why include this?
Fair is foul and foul is fair
Supernatural – A02 chiasmus + paradox
Things are not as they seem. Grammar is switches.
Manipulative – everything is twisted. Lying by half-truths.
Spell-like. Chant/incantation.
Appearance vs reality – Sets the audience’s expectations (A02 structure), all is not as it seems.
A03 context – James 1st Daemonologie. Hatred of the dark magic/witches/demons. – warning of the dangers.
Description of witches – beards, ugly.
‘Out, out, ______ _________! Life’s but a walking ________’
Said by who?
What connotations?
Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow
A02 Repetition – attitude – reflects the fear. Reflects his panic, passion. Doesn’t want people to know, ashamed. Reflective about his life and what he has done.
A02 – ‘brief’ candles burn bright
A02 – Personification/Metaphor. Hide what he’s done, actions are going to follow him, they are a part of you, hard to escape.
Candles/shadow – evil, soul, dark parts.
‘______ hide your ______, let not light see my _____ and _______ desires’
What does it reflect about Macbeth?
What themes?
Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires
Below the surface, buried in his heart. Reflects his mental struggle.
Supernatural – A03 witch trials, women. Black magic link. Potions. Spells.
Alliteration – deep sound. Alluring tone.
Contrast – light vs dark
Aside – They don’t see what he is capable.
Tyrant characteristics – wants the power
Metaphor for God – doesn’t want God to see his evil desires. A03 context – Christianity, divine right of kings. Fire in religion – imagery hellfire. Emphasises his evil nature.
Appearance vs reality – hide your fires.
Language – fires. Destructive, burning passion.
______, and _________, and ___________,
________ in this ________ pace from day to day
Said by who and why?
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
Quite depressive and melancholy, themed about morbidity.
A02 – repetition, no change/no difference. After Lady Macbeth dies life has become pointless. Rhythm and repetitive beat.
Guilt – driven him to realise the futility.
Fall from power/fall from ambition – everything has unravelled
________ of ________ tell us _____, win us with honest trifles, to ______ in deepest consequence
Instruments of darkness tell us truth, win us with honest trifles, to betrays in deepest consequence
Witches evil – Manipulative, trust.
A02 – language, instrument used for entertainment, control.
Honest trifles – half truth.
Message – don’t believe them.
Want to gain Macbeth’s confidence.
Ambition – warning about his ambition
Kingship – Banquo, reasonable, thoughtful, good leadership
Tyranny – greedy and wants to rush in.
Appearance vs reality – A02 ‘betray’, gain his trust and then a downfall
Context: Who was the king at the time of Macbeth being written and what relevance does that have to the play?
- King James 1st
- Divine Right of Kings
- Newmarket/Horseracing
-Macbeth performed only 3 years after King James ascension to the throne
Context: How does the Gunpowder plot link to Macbeth?
Happened in 1605. a year before Macbeth was written
Could be seen as a warning to those wanting to commit treason
Shows the consequences of their actions
Context: What book did the King write in 1597 and then was published in 1603 that is relevant to Macbeth?
Daemonologie - James’ proof of witchcraft, encouraged witch trials and discussed the dangers of dark magic.
What is this theme?
Explain how it is shown in the play.
The witches
Criticism of black magic
Witch trials
James 1st ‘Daemonologie’
A warning if you involve yourself in the occult it will cause your downfall
What is this theme?
Explain how it is shown in the play.
How does Lady Macbeth tie into this theme?
Ambition drives Macbeth to commit terrible acts to gain and keep power.
Macbeth’s ambition, fueled by Lady Macbeth, leads him to murder Duncan.
His desire for power spirals out of control, causing paranoia, more violence, and ultimately his downfall.
Unchecked ambition leads to destruction.
What is this theme?
Explain how it’s shown in the play
Guilt haunts Lady Macbeth and Macbeth
Banquo’s ghost
Sleepwalking + Washing blood from hands
Driven to madness
O_______ vs D__________
What is this theme?
Explain how it’s shown in the play
This theme can link to others, which ones?
Order vs Disorder
Natural order disrupted by the regicide of King Duncan (A03 Divine right of Kings)
Animals behaving strangely
Disrupting rightful authority
Links to supernatural and Feminine vs Masculine - how?
What is this theme? (What are the two sides to this theme? ____ vs _____)
Explain how it’s shown in the play
Kingship vs Tyranny
King Duncan - good, fair, just. Divine right of Kings.
Macbeth - disrupter. Violent, unjust. Fear. Madness. Links to the occult.
F_______ vs M________
What is this theme?
Explain how it is shown in the play
Feminine vs Masculine
Mainly shown through Lady Macbeth - compassionate, traditionally rejects feminine ‘ideals’. She is ruthless and strong. Manipulative and in control of Macbeth.
Blurs gender roles.
A03 - would have been played by a male actor
Could also bring in the witches, description of them being masculine and having beards.
A_______ vs R____________
What is the theme?
Explain how it is shown in the play
Ties into two other themes, which ones?
Appearance vs Reality
Things not as they seem - Lady Macbeth and Macbeth ‘Brave Macbeth’.
The Witches ‘Fair is foul’
Half Truths
Ties in to Masculine vs Feminine and The Supernatural