Mā Wai – who will/ Flashcards
who will eat? We will eat.
Mā wai e kai? Mā tātou e kai.
who will walk? You will walk. (3 or more)
Mā wai e hikoi? Mā koutou e hikoi
who will answer the questions. The Children will answer.
Mā wai e whakahoki te pātaitai? Mā ngā tamariki e whakahoki.
who will sleep? Susie and Billy will sleep (together!)
Mā wai e moe? Mā rāua a Susie ko Billy e moe.
who will cook? My mother will cook now.
Mā wai e tunu? Mā tāku Mama e tunu nāianei.
who will play tomorrow? The boys will play tomorrow.
Mā wai e tākaro āpōpō? Mā ngā tama e tākaro.
who will listen to this great song? They (3) will listen)
Mā wai e whakarongo ki tenei waiata nui? Mā rātou e tenei whakarongo nui.
Who will speak at the meeting? Our old men and old women will speak.
Mā wai e kōrero ki te hui? Mā a mātou kaumatua ko a mātou kuia e kōrero.
who will help me? . I will help. We will help.
Mā wai āwhina au? Māku e āwhina e koe. Māua e āwhina e koe.