MA Flashcards
1st step: Set Up
1) Take video of the room
2) Clean the countertops : w/ disinfectant wipes from monitor’s desk
3) Clean exam chair and stool : w/ EZ kill from cabinets
4) blue chuck is blue side down
5) check supply if functioning
2nd step: Call Patient In
1) Review pt chart w/ practice fusion & fill out intake
2) monitor will give you room #
3) call pt from waiting and confirm DOB & full name
3rd step: Intake
1) height and weight
2) Temp (97.8-99)
3) pulse (60-100BPM) and O2 (95-100%) through pulseoxometer
4) Respiratory rate (12-18bpm)
5) glucose (fasting <100) (non fasting <200)
6) blood pressure (120/80)
7) ask for any medications (what it is, what its for, and how long they’ve been taking it for)
4th step: input vitals and medication
1) input vitals on practice fusion
- add it to the encounter of that day
- column comment is your initials
- glucose is on a different panel
2) input medication
- add to the encounter of that day
- search up name with mg count
- Name Dosage PO q.d. #amount @ refill, prescribed by -___, # of refill
When do you start a new medication vs continuing?
If the doctor prescribes same medication copy and paste the OG sign comments and revise sig
if the doctor changes the dosage or the amount needed to be taken a day then create a new medication
1x, 2x, 3x, 4x
1x = q.d. 2x = BID 3x= t.i. 4x= q.i.
4th step: report to Co-D’s
1) pt name
2) medications
3) vitals
4) chief of complain and pain level?