M8 Flashcards
Criminal behavior is explained in terms of factors extraneous to the offender which are social, sociological, cultural and economic
Objective Approach
Criminal behavior is explained in terms of factors within criminal,.i.e.physical, biological and mental traits
Subjective Approach
It proposes that human beings commit crime because of internal factors over which they have a little or no control
Biological Approach
This is a study of the causal link that exists between the defendant’s action and the plaintiff’s injury
Casual Approach
The criminals deficient in probity,says Dr. Maurice Parmellee, committed crimes against property.
Deficient in Probity Approach
It describes the phenomenon of crime and those who commit it.it covers all aspects such as personal traits of criminals and the various form of criminal behavior
Descriptive Approach
This study was carried by Eavert A.Hootan and William H. Sheldon
Organically Inferior Human Traits Approach
Hootan stated that criminals are?
Organically inferior
Hootan stated that criminals are?
Organically inferior
Sheldon stated the?
Criminal is husky and athletic type fellow
It studies external economic factors
Economic Approach
It studies those factors that arise from local conditions or belong to a particular period of the year,or the specified area that makes a man criminal
Endemic Approach
It studies those factors that arise from local conditions or belong to a particular period of the year,or the specified area that makes a man criminal
Endemic Approach
It seek to explain the phenomenon of criminal behavior with reference to factors outside the personality of the delinquent
Environmental approach
It seek to explain the phenomenon of criminal behavior with reference to factors outside the personality of the delinquent
Environmental approach
As to mental quality an offender is either normal or abnormal.
Functional psychosis approach
Psychosis two types
Psychosis of organic origin
Non psychosis origin
Psychosis two types
Psychosis of organic origin
Non psychosis origin
Patients of this abnormality commit offenses with astonishing openness and silliness
Organic psychosis approach
Patients of this abnormality commit crime of violence
Traumatic psychosis
Patients of this abnormality commit crime of explosive and sexual nature
Encephalitis lethargica
Patients of this abnormality are of old age and commit varying crimes
Senile Dementia
Patients of such abnormality commit crimes of sudden violence
Patients of this abnormality suffer split mindedness
Studies were conducted by Arthur Dugdale in the United sate of America on the Jukes (1877) and by Henry Herbert Goddan on the kallikas (1912)
Heredity and criminal families approach
It focuses it’s attention on the biological, mental and other characteristics of the offender to explain the cause of this delinquent behavior
Individualistic approach
It is an approach to criminology made by Endocrinologist who found that glandular malfunctioning causes the delinquent behavior
Physiological approach
Man may live insolation but generally he lives in society
Social approach
This approach is recent origin. It considers the criminal as a victim of circumstances and a product of various factors within the criminal and the society
Therapeutic approach
Violent due to environmental influences as prejudices of honor, politics and religion, approach
Twin research approach