M6 CCJ Neurology I Flashcards
Three types of embryological tissue
Endoderm gives rise to
Digestive Tract
Mesoderm gives rise to
Circulatory system Skeletal muscle bone connective tissue genitourinary system notochord
Ectoderm gives rise to
Epidermis, hair, nails, cornea
Neural tube
Neural Crest
Neural tube gives rise to
spinal cord
motor neurons
Neural crest gives rise to
Peripheral nerves
adrenal medulla
Neural tube divides into what three sections?
Prosencephalon (forebrain)
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
Rises from Nueral tube
Divides into Telencephalon and Diencephalon
Formed from Prosencephalon
Becomes the cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral Hemispheres
Formed from Telencephalon Becomes: Cerebral cortex (gray mater) Subcortical White mater (axons) Basal ganglia Basal Forebrain Nuclei (cholinergica system - acetyl choline activation)
Formed from Prosencephalon Becomes: Thalamus Hypothalamus Epithalamus
Formed from diencephalon
Pineal gland
Roof of 3rd ventricle
Midbrain From Neural Tube Forms: Cerebral Peduncles Periaqueductal Grey Midbrain Tectum Midbrain Tegmentum
Cerebral Peduncles
Formed from Mesencephalon
Crus Cerebri
Substantia Nigra
Crus Cerebri
Part of Cerebral Peduncles
Long tracts:
Substantia Nigra
Part of Cerebral Peduncles
Dopamine production
Periaqueductal Grey
From Mesencephalon
Pain inhibition
Midbrain Tectum
From Mesencephalon
Posterior to cerebral aqueduct
Superior and Inferior Colliculi
Midbrain Tegmentum
From Mesencephalon Anterior to cerebral aqueduct Made up of: Medial Lemniscus Anterolateral tracts Sup. Cerebellar Peduncles Red Nucleus CN III & IV - eye movements Raphe Nuclei Ventral Tegmental area
Medial Lemniscus
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct
Dorsal column proprioception - ascending
Anterolateral Tracts
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct.
Temperature, pain and crude touch - ascending
Superior Cerebellar Peduncles
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct.
Main output of Cerebellum
Red Nucleus
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct.
Motor coordination
Raphe Nuclei
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct.
Serotonin Production
Ventral Tegmental Area
Part of Midbrain Tegmentum anterior to cerebral aqueduct. Dopamine production.
or 5-hydroxytryptamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter. It has a popular image as a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness, though its actual biological function is complex and multifaceted, modulating cognition, reward, learning, memory, and numerous physiological processes.
one of the brain’s neurotransmitters—a chemical that ferries information between neurons. Dopamine helps regulate movement, attention, learning, and emotional responses. It also enables us not only to see rewards but to take action to move toward them.
CNS glial cell Maintains extracellular environment Removes excess neurotransmitters Directs neural growth Induces blood-brain barrier
Satellite Cell
PNS glial cell
Maintains extracellular environment
Removes excess neurotransmitters
Directs neural growth
CNS glial cell
Creates myelin
Schwann Cell
PNS glial cell
Creates myelin
CNS glial cell
Immune surveillance and phagocytosis
Ependymal Cell
CNS glial cell
Creates and circulates CSF
Unipolar Neuron
Both dendrites and axons arise form a single proccess.
Mostly in invertebrates
Bipolar Neuron
A single axon and single dendrite arise from the cell body.
Mostly sensory and involved in vision and olfaction
Multipolar Neuron
Multiple axons and dendrites arise from the cell body an/or will have axon collaterals.
Most common in mammals.
Action potential arrives at synapse
Depolarizes synaptic bulb
Synaptic bulb depolarized from action potential
Calcium ions enter the cytoplasm, and after a brief delay, ACh is released through the exocytosis of synaptic vessicles.
ACh release into synaptic cleft
ACh binds to sodium channel receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, producing a graded depolarization.
Postsynaptic depolarization
Ends as ACh is broken down into acetate and choline by AChE
ACh broken down
Synaptic knob reabsorbs choline from cleft and uses it to synthesize new molecules of ACh.
Lobes of the Cortex
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Cerebral Cortex
Neocortex 2 cerebral hemispheres connected by Corpus Callosum. Conscious awareness Integration and processing 7 layers of gray matter
Frontal lobe
Executive Functioning (attention, memory, language) Social and Moral reasoning Self awareness Mood Personality Voluntary Movement (motor homunculus)
Primary Motor Cortex
Frontal lobe: precentral gyrus just anterior to central sulcus
Primary Motor Cortex
Contralateral voluntary motor (motor homunculus)
Primary Motor Cortex
Brainstem (corticobulbar tract) Spinal cord (corticospinal tract)
Primary Motor Cortex
Premotor cortex
Primary somatosensory area
Ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus
Ventral lateral nucleus of Thalamus
relay nucleus with projections from the cerebellum.
Modulate the output of M1 by giving proper position, timing and coordination
Primary Motor Cortex
Results in contralateral flaccid or spastic paralysis
Premotor Cortex
Frontal lobe, rostral to M1
Premotor Cortex
Integration of sensory and motor information for the performance of action (praxis)
Premotor Cortex
M1 and contralateral premotor cortex
Premotor Cortex
Secondary somatosensory area and ventral anterior thalamic nucleus
Ventral anterior thalamic nucleus
relay necleus with projections from basal ganglia
Premotor Cortex
- Apraxia - inability to carryout complicated tasks (without paralysis).
- Deficits in contralateral fine motor control.
- Deficits in using sensory feedback in motor control.
Frontal Eye Fields (26)
Frontal Lobe: Rostral to premotor cortex
Frontal Eye Fields (26)
Control of voluntary eye movements in contralateral field for visual search - Saccadic eye movements
Frontal Eye Fields (26)
M1 and contralateral premotor cortex
Frontal Eye Fields (26)
Secondary somatosensory area and ventral anterior thalamic nucleus.
Frontal Eye Fields (26)
Loss of voluntary saccadic visual search although preservation of pursuit of an object.
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (27)
Frontal lobe: rostral to frontal eye fields and superior to orbitofrontal cortex.
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (27)
Executive function - ability to utilize multiple sensory inputs for generation of appropriate responses.
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (27)
Caudate nucleus
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (27)
Vast but mainly from thalamus (ventral anterior and mediodorsal nuclei)
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (27)
Perseveration, impersistence, difficulties of sensory perception, poor organization of learning and recall.
Pathological persistent repitition
the inability to sustain certain simple voluntary acts
Orbitofrontal Cortex (28) Location
Frontal lobe inferior to the DLPF Cortex as the most rostral portion of the frontal lobe
Orbitofrontal cortex (28) Action
Modulation of affective and social behavior, working memory for feature information and smell discrimination.
Orbitofrontal Cortex (28) Output
Autonomic musculature and basal forebrain cholinergic system - regulation of behavior
Orbitofrontal Cortex (28) Input
Limbic and olfactory systems, inferotemporal lobe (memory function), and ventral visual pathways (analysis of form and color).
Orbitofrontal Cortex (28) Damage
Behavioral disinhibition or socially inappropriate behavior. Anosmia (loss of smell detection).
Cingulate Cortex / Supplementary Motor Area (29)
Frontal Lobe, medial cortex, superior to corpus callosum.
Cingulate Cortex / Supplementary Motor Area (29)
Drive, motivation, environmental exploration
Cingulate Cortex / Supplementary Motor Area (29)
Connections to deep limbic structures (Basal forebrain and nucleus accumbens) for emotional formation and memory.
Cingulate Cortex / Supplementary Motor Area (29)
Thalamus and neocortex
Cingulate Cortex / Supplementary Motor Area (29)
Apathy and akinetic mutism (loss of motivation), complex attention deficits, and Alien Hand
Broca’s Area (30)
Frontal lobe inferior frontal gyrus adjacent to areas of M1 that control lips, tongue, face, and larynx.
Broca’s Area (30)
Motor control of speech
Broca’s Area (30)
Expressive aphasia - deficit in production in language (aka Broca’s or motor aphasia).
Primary somatosensory cortex (31)
Parietal lobe postcentral gyrus just posterior to the central sulcus.
Primary somatosensory cortex (31)
Sensation of touch, pain, temperature, vibration, proprioception
Primary somatosensory cortex (31)
Primary motor, visual, auditory areas
Primary somatosensory cortex (31)
Thalamus (Ventral posterior lateral nucleus)
Primary somatosensory cortex (31)
Loss of sensation
Parieto-insular Vestibular Cortex (34)
Parietal lobe Angular Gyrus (inferior parietal lobule), Superior temporal gyrus, occipital gyrus.
Parieto-insular Vestibular Cortex (34)
Perception of vertical upright and body schema.
Parieto-insular Vestibular Cortex (34)
Contralateral vestibular nucleus, cerebellum, vestibulospinal tract.
Parieto-insular Vestibular Cortex (34)
Multi-sensory input including Vestibular, visual, and parietal areas via cortical-cortical connections or via the thalamus.
Parieto-insular Vestibular Cortex (34)
Loss of vertical upright - pusher syndrome, pisa syndrome
Primary Auditory Cortex (36)
Temporal Lobe: Herschl’s gyri and superior temporal gyrus.
Primary Auditory Cortex (36)
Primary Auditory Cortex (36)
Loss of perception and localization of hearing
Wernicke’s Area (37)
Temporal Lobe: Superior temporal gyrus
Wernicke’s Area (37)
Perception of speech
Wernicke’s Area (37)
Primary auditory cortex and primary visual cortex
Wernicke’s Area (37)
Wernicke’s Aphasia - loss of ability to comprehend verbal or written language (aka sensory or receptive aphasia).
Primary olfactory Cortex and LImbic Associaton Cortex (38)
Temporal Lobe: perihippocampal gyrus, Temporal Pole
Primary Olfactory Cortex and Limbic Association Cortex (38)
Smell, emotions
Primary Olfactory Cortex and Limbic Association Cortex (38)
Emotional lability, loss of perception of smell
Primary and secondary visual cortex (39)
Occipital lobe: banks of calcarine fissure, medial and lateral occipital gyri.
Primary and secondary visual cortex (39)
Vision, depth, visual association
Primary and secondary visual cortex (39)
Temporal and parietal visual radiations via the optic chiasm
Primary and secondary visual cortex (39)
Dorsal pathways: Parietal lobe for “where?”
Ventral pathways: Temporal lobe for “what?”
Primary and secondary visual cortex (39)
visual hallucinations, cortical blindness, blind-sight
Thalamus functions
- Relay center for nearly all inputs from the brain and periphery to the cortex.
a. Limbic system, reticular formation, cerebellum, basal ganglia, somatosensory, auditory, visual, vestibular.
b. Only area not to relay through the thalamus is olfaction. - Reciprocal input to and from the cortex
Thalamus structures
Anterior Nuclear group Medial Nuclear group Lateral Nuclear group Ventral Nuclear group Intralaminar group
Basal Ganglia Structures (7 of them)
- Caudate Nucleus
- Putamen
- Globus Pallidus
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Substantia Nigra
- Nucleus Accumbens
- Ventral pallidum
Caudate Nucleus
Part of Basal Ganglia
Learning; storing and processing memories
Part of Basal Ganglia
Regulates movement and influences learning
Globus Pallidus
Part of Basal Ganglia
Regulation of voluntary movement
Subthalamic nucleus
Part of Basal Ganglia
inhibition and movement control
Substantia Nigra
Part of Basal Ganglia
Dopamine and GABA production
Nucleus Accumbens
Part of Basal Ganglia
Reward circuit
Definition: Part of the ventral striatum with connections to the limbic system
Structure: Two parts: shell and core
Function: Connects the limbic system to the motor system. Mediation of motivation, reward and pleasure, addiction, impulsivity, risk taking, survival and reproductive behaviours.
Ventral Pallidum
Part of Basal Ganglia
reward and motivation
Basal Ganglia functions
- General motor control
- eye movements
- Cognitive functions
- Emotional functions