M5 Non-Fermenting GNB Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of non-fermenting gram negative bacilli (4)?
- Do not ferment glucose
- May or may not utilize glucose by oxidization.
- Oxidative metabolism.
- Some grow rapidly and most grow on MAC.
What is the most common genera for Non-fermenting GNB?
Pseudomonas spp.
What kind of environment does Psuedomonas spp. really like?
Moisture rich environments –> moisture loving.
What is the clinical significance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9)?
- Superficial skin infections
- Nail infections
- Ear infections - Otitis media, swimmers ear (externa)
- Eye infections
- Burn infections
- Osteomyelitis
- UTIs.
- Respiratory infections
- Sepsis.
What type of infections are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients?
- Chronic infections
What does Pseudomonas aeruginosa do in CF patients (3)?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes biofilm formation:
1. ExoPolysaccharide polymer (alginate) - protects from adversity and enhances adhesion.
2. CF patients produce a thick & sticky bronchial secretion because of stasis of the lungs.
3. Mucin layer is resistant to antibiotics.
What virulence factors does Pseudomonas aeruginosa have?
- Pilli (attachment)
- ExoPolysaccharide polymer (Alginate) protects it from adversity and adhesion - antiphagocytic
- Pigments
- Extracellular products
a) Hemolysins
b) Pigments
c) Exotoxins (shock)
d) Proteases
Also it’s flagellum make it very motile.
What is the clinical significance of Pseudomonas fluorescens/putida/stutzeri?
- Patients in hospital with underlying disease
- They can cause infections on many sites but their significance has to be questioned and discussed
Are Pseudomonas fluorescens/ putida/stutzeri part of the normal human flora? If not, what?
Environmental, not part of the human normal flora
How are infections from Pseudomonas fluorescens/ putida/stutzeri transmitted? Virulence factors?
- Transmitted through medical devices & solutions
- Unknown virulence factors
What is the normal habitat of Acinetobacter spp.?
Environmental organism, and sometimes part of human normal flora
What is the clinical significance of Acinetobacter spp.?
- Opportunistic pathogen
- Nosocomial
- Ventilator acquired pneumonia
- Implicated in postwar infections “Iraqibacter”
What makes Acinetobacter spp. difficult to deal with in the hospital?
- Survives for a long period of time
- Resistant to antibiotics, drying, and disinfection
How does Acinetobacter spp. look like on BA and a gram stain?
- Purplish hue on BA, large healthy colonies
- “tricky” on Gram: plump cocco-bacilli (diplo-cocci-like) and sometimes underde-colorized
What divides the different Acinetobacter species in the lab?
Species divided based on saccharolytic or asaccharolytic