M5 Flashcards
The Challenge
Identified match, group, cluster, network in a FIGG investigation may have a
Common name (e.g., Smith)
Building out trees from the WRONG person, or an incorrect person, could be
detrimental to a FIGG investigation
Identifying/Verifying a DNA match accurately is one of the most
critical steps in FIGG investigations and all future research for the case depends on that accuracy.
DNA matches are nearly always
living people
DNA matches that are nearly always living people so their privacy must be
protected per the Standard 57 from the Board of Certification of Genealogical Standards
Ensuring you have identified the true/correct identity of a DNA match can be
challenging, particularly if they have used an ALIAS
GEDmatch Matches things to Consider
- Real Name
- *Alias
- Email Address
- Kit Manager
Kit Manager who have a lot of kits listed May be
- May be professional genealogists
- May be researchers/academics
- May not be related at all to any of the kits
Don’t just research the Kit Name, also research
the Kit Manager!!
KIT# - This is the kit number associated with the match. Kit that begin w/a
single letter are kits that were uploaded to the previous version of GEDmatch and were migrated over to the newer version.
The letters at the beginning correlate w/the testing company used by the test taker:
A - Ancestry
F or T - Family Tree
M - 23andME
H - My Heritage
Kits that begin with 2 letters were uploaded
to the new version of GEDmatch
Letters corresponding with Kit #s w/the Source column can be useful when trying to
determine if the test taker has a public tree available for reference
Name (*=>alias) This is typically the test takers name but not always. Sometimes the test taker will use and alias. Sometimes the name is
NOT the actual test taker it could be the kit manger
Email - This is typically the email of the KIT MANAGER which may or may NOT be the
test taker.
For privacy reasons DO NOT
email matches in FIGG investigations
Source - This indicates which
testing company was used by the match
Source - You may “Combined” which indicates the user
combined their test results from 2 companies and made one super kit
Source - Using the testing company source INFO,
search those sites for the user/email/name
Does the SEX correlate with the name?
There are many gender neutral names
Sex is SELF-IDENTIFIED by kit uploader - potential for errors