M2: Family Health Assessment, Initial data base Flashcards
is the level of community health nursing practice directed on the family as the unit of care, with health as the goal and Nursing as the medium.
family health nursing
The sequencing of the steps of the nursing process is aimed at ensuring a logical, scientific and systematic approach to care.
guidelines for family nursing practice
steps in family nursing assessment
- data collection
- data analysis
- formulation of diagnosis
a sequence of activities in the family nursing practice where nurses initiate contact, Communicate interest in the family’s welfare and Express willingness to help with expressed need.
Establish a working relationship with the client
Maintains a two way communication with the family
Establish a working relationship with the client
it is where they utilize initial data base for family nursing practice by asking the family structure, socioeconomic, environmental, prevention of disease
Conducts an initial assessment to determine presence of health problem.
after building relationship with the client and conducting initial assessment, the next step would be?
categorize health problems
what are the 3 categories of health problems? describe them.
- health threat- potential harm
- health deficit- health maintenance
- foreseeable crisis (fc)- unusual demand
after categorizing the health problems, what is the next step?
Determine the nature and extent of the family’s performance of the health tasks on each of the health problems.
after determining the nature and extent of the family’s health task, the nurse will then determine what to _____ among the list of health problems
what is the next step after determining what to prioritize
rank health problems according to priorities
- Decides on what _____ to tackle in the order of immediacy/urgency, based on priorities set.
- Defines ______ in realistic measurable terms jointly with the standards of evaluation.- SMART
- Plans________, strategies of action (interventions), criteria and standards of evaluation.- FALLS IN PLANNING in ADPIE
- ______ the plan of care.
- _____ the effectivity of implemented aspects of the plan
- _______ nursing problems and reformulates objectives according to the evaluation findings.
- problems
- nursing objectives
- approaches
- Implements
- Evaluates
- Redefines
what initial data base does Members of the household (size) and relationships to head of the family belong
1- family structure, characters, and dynamics
what initial data base does this belong:
- Place of residence of family members,
- Dominant family members in decision making in matters of health
- General family relationship/dynamics
1- family structure, characters, and dynamics
what initial data base does this belong:
- Income and expenses
Occupation, place of work, and income of each working member
- Adequacy to meet basic needs
2- socioeconomic and cultural factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- Educational attainment of each member
- Ethnic background and religious affiliation
2- socioeconomic and cultural factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- Relationship of the family to larger community
2- socioeconomic and cultural factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- Housing:
- Adequacy of living space
-Sleeping Arrangement
3- environmental factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- Adequacy of furniture
- Presence of Insects and Rodents
- Presence of Accident Hazards
3- environmental factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- Food Storage and Cooking Facilities
- Water Supply
- toilet facility
3- environmental factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- toilet facility
- garbage/ refusal disposal
- drainage system
3- environmental factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- kind of neighborhood
- social and health facilities available
- communication and transpo
3- environmental factors
what initial data base does this belong:
- medical and nursing history
- nutritional assessment
4- health assessment of each member
what initial data base does this belong:
- Anthropometric data
- Dietary history indicating quality and quantity of food intake per day
4- health assessment of each member
what initial data base does this belong:
- Risk Factors Assessment
- Current health status
4- health assessment of each member
what initial data base does this belong:
- Immunization
- Use of other preventive service
5 - Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Prevention of disease
what initial data base does this belong:
- Healthy lifestyle practices
- Adequacy of rest, exercise, activities, relaxation and other stress management activities
5 - Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Prevention of disease
______ for family nursing practice gather comprehensive information and can be used as the base line data
initial data base