M1S2: Perspectives On Consumer Behavior 3 Flashcards
- Learned predispositions to respond to an object
- Theoretically summarize consumer’s evaluation of an
object - Represent positive or negative feelings and
behavioral tendencies
- Attributes of product or brand provide basis on which
consumers form attitudes - Consumers attach different levels of importance to
different attributes
Mutliattribute attitude model
● Beliefs concerning specific attributes
● Consequences that are activated
Salient Beliefs:
- Combining product knowledge, meanings, and beliefs
to evaluate alternative
Integration processes
Decision Rules
Affect referral decision rule:
Selection is
made on basis of overall impression or
summary evaluation evaluation of various
alternatives under considerations.
Affect referral decision rule:
simplified decision rules
customers use for purchase decisions
Predisposition to buy a certain brand by matching
purchase motives with attributes of brands considered
Purchase Intention
Preference for a particular brand that results in
repeated purchases
Brand Loyalty
Postpurchase Evaluation
Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction
Psychological tension
experienced after a difficult purchase choice.
Cognitive dissonance:
occurs when consumer’s expectations
are met or exceeded.
occurs when product performance is
below expectations.
- Based on the stimulus–response orientation (S–R).
Behavioral Learning Theory
- Learning occurs as result of responses to external stimuli in the environment.
Learning is an associative
process with existing relationship between a stimulus
and a response.
Classical conditioning:
conditioned stimulus elicits a
conditioned response
Operant conditioning: Learning occurs when an
individual actively operates or acts on some aspect of the environment.
Operant conditioning
A reward or favorable consequence
associated with a particular response.
strengthens the bond
between stimulus and response.
Reinforced behavior
Learning occurs rapidly and
every response is rewarded.
Behavior is likely to cease when
reinforcement stops.
Continuous Schedules of reinforcement:
Reinforcement of successive acts that lead
to desired behavior pattern or response.
Learning occurs
more slowly but lasts longer.
Only some responses are rewarded.
Partial or intermittent Schedules of reinforcement: