M13: Cranial Nerve Names, Functions, & How to Test Them Flashcards
Roman Numerals Review
I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XI = 11
XII = 12
What is the name and general function of cranial nerve I (CN I)?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
Olfactory Nerve
Sensation of Smell (Sensory Only)
What is the name and general function of CN II?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
Optic Nerve
Vision (Sensory Only)
What is the name and general function of CN III?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
Oculomotor Nerve
Motor control of eye (Motor Only)
What is the name and general function of CN IV?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
Trochlear Nerve
Motor Control of Eye (Motor Only)
Specifically it moves the eye up and down
What is the name and general function of CN V?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
Trigeminal Nerve
sensory and motor control of facial muscles and receptors
(Mixed sensory and motor)
What is the name and general function of CN VI?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (i.e. mixed)?
- Abducens Nerve
- motor eye movement; abducts eye (i.e. lateral gaze)
- motor only
What is the name and general function of CN VII?
Is it sensory, motor, or both (mixed)?
Facial Nerve
Mixed, both Sensory and Motor Function to the Facial Region
What is the name and general function of CN VIII?
Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Special sensory nerve for balance, equilibrium and hearing
(Sensory only)
What is the name and general function of CN IX?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Sensory and Motor Functions to Head and Neck
What is the name and general function of CN X?
Vagus Nerve
Mixed motor and sensory widely distributed throughout the thorax and abdomen. (Parasympathetic)
Note: the majority of the nerve fibers are sensory 80-90% of the nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are afferent (sensory) nerves communicating the state of the viscera to the brain
What is the name and general function of CN XI?
Accessory Nerve
Motor Control of the Neck and Upper Back
(Motor Only)
What is the name and general function of CN XII?
Hypoglossal Nerve
Tongue Movement (Motor Only)
Which cranial nerves contain only afferent (sensory fibers)?
- Olfactory Nerve I (Sense of smell)
- Optic Nerve II (Vision)
- Vestibulocochlear Nerve VIII (balance, equilibrium, hearing)
Which cranial nerves contain only efferent (motor) fibers?
- III Oculomotor Nerve
- IV Trochlear Nerve
- VI Abducens Nerve
- XI Accessory Nerve
- XII Hypoglossal Nerve